Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Communication Studies Reflection

Communication Studies Reflection â€Å"It Shouldn’t Hurt To Be A Child† The scene takes place in a doctor’s office. David and Sarah Thompson have brought in their 10-year-old son Michael because of an ankle sprain. As the doctor enters the room, Michael is sitting on the examination table in shorts and a T-shirt with a bare right foot and ankle. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson are sitting in chairs close to him. Doctor: So, you are Michael. I am Dr. Gupta. Nice to meet you Michael. [shakes Michael’s hand] How are you doing today? Michael: Okay. Doctor: [turning to Mr. and Mrs. Thompson] And are you Michael’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.Thompson? Nice to meet you. [extends hand to shake] Mrs. Thompson: Nice to meet you also. [shakes hands with doctor] Mr. Thompson: Charmed I’m sure [shakes hands with doctor] Doctor: Ok.. [turning back to Michael] So what brings you in today, Michael? Michael: I hurt my ankle. Doctor: How did this happen? Michael: I was skatebo arding and, I don’t know [pauses and looks over to his parents] I guess I just slipped or something? Doctor: When did this hap†¦.? [Mrs. Thompson intrudes] Mrs. Thompson: He did it about three days ago but last night I noticed he was still limping and I thought I ought to bring him in.I don’t think it’s broken, do you? Doctor: Well, let me take a look first. [begins to examine ankle] I’m just going to take a look at your foot. Is that sore? Michael: Ouch! Yes it hurts! Mr. Thompson: Stop being ah fool an leh de docta check yuh foot fuh meh please! Mrs. Thompson: [at Mr. Thompson] Oh gosh.. yuh doh hadda talk to him so.. [Mr. Thompson eyebrows frown together] Mr. Thompson: I ask yuh anything! [Mrs. Thompson remains quiet] Doctor: That’s okay. Let me just do one more thing. I’m going to raise your foot. [raises ankle] Michael: Owwww! Mr. Thompson: MICHAEL! Behave yuh self boy! pinches Michael on the arm] How much times I hadda talk tuh yu h. [Michael begins to cry] Doctor: [looks at Mr. Thompson in disgust] It’s okay, Michael.. [notices bruise in proximal fibular area] What happened here? Michael: I don’t know [pauses] I guess I fell another time. Mr. Thompson: He’s a really clumsy kid. I keep telling him to stay off that skateboard, but he just doesn’t listen. Doctor: [scanning both of Michael’s legs, stopping over left femur] And here? Another fall? Michael: Yeah, sure†¦ Mr. Thompson: I told you, he’s clumsy, but could you please get back to his ankle?Doctor: [continuing to examine Michael’s arms] Michael, can you take your shirt off for me please? Mr. Thompson: [getting a bit edgy] Doctor, we came in for his ankle. Could you please get back to his ankle? Michael takes off his shirt at the Doctor’s insistence. Doctor: [examines Michael, pausing over several spots on arms and back] Michael, you have a lot of bruises. Some are older than others. Whatâ€℠¢s been going on? Mr. Thompson: [getting more agitated] Steups, Doctor I rel eh understand wah is de purpose of dis non-sense. I payin my money fuh you to check he foot we could get back to his ankle please. Doctor: I have some concerns.Michael has a lot of injuries and some of them seem to have occurred at different times. When we see that in a child we worry that perhaps the injuries were not all accidental. Mr. Thompson: [rolls eyes] So wah yuh gettin at? Doctor: I’m not getting at anything. I am just saying that for Michael’s safety, we need to check a few things beyond his ankle. For this reason, I am going to have one of our social workers come and talk to you, your husband and Michael. Mr. Thompson: [getting more upset] I rel nuh in de mood fuh dis, yu eh have de right tuh do dat. Doctor: Actually, I do have the right. It’s the law.The main reason I’m doing it is to be sure that Michael is safe at home and I’m sure that is what you want, too . Raising kids can be very tough, sometimes we can all use a little help. Mr. Thompson: look! docta wah nonsense yu tellin mi bout help and how tuh raise mi son, I look like I need any help? If he harden I go beat some manners in tuh he. I is ah big man nobodi gwine tell mi wah and wah nuh tuh do, suck salt eh! I gwine from here! Mr. Thompson storms out the office Doctor: [shouts] Mr. Thompson where are you going? [Looks at Mrs. Thompson as she bursts into tears] Mrs. Thompson: [crying] Doctor please help me! Scene fades

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

China Bank Internationalisation Project Essay

This approach to a project is very similar to what happens regularly in the financial services industry. A project has to be completed, a team is set up (usually with individuals of different skills with different backgrounds and from different countries) who then have to work together to complete the task. Managers then evaluate each team member in such a process on the basis of the quality of the final joint work produced. Background China’s banks are trying to internationalise and your task is to help advise a Chinese bank on how to do this. Bank of China, for example, has on its website its ‘Strategic Goal† and other banks have similar goals: Strategic Goal Aiming at excellence, sustaining growth and building a first-class international bank. Strategic Positioning A large transnational banking group focusing on commercial banking business and providing diversified services integrated both at home and abroad. Commercial banking focused diversification With commercial banking business as the core and foundation of the group’s development, Bank of China will keep improving its brand popularity and core competitiveness by expanding business network and customer base and nhancing product innovation. By taking advantage of the comparative competitiveness of diversified services for unified customers via unified channels under unified strategy and brand, it will strive to develop various business lines such as investment banking, fund, insurance, investment and leasing so as to create a synergistic effect on the diversified platform in the interest of comprehensive and excellent financial services for customers. To provide a structure to this advice, you are required to write answers to each of the five topics below (though you need not follow exactly the items in each). Each of the five sections should be not more than 500 words i. e. 2,500 words maximum for the whole project. This will also make it much easier to present each project in class i. e. to read out the paper in class. Also, it will help you understand the need to be concise. Most business papers have an ‘Executive Summary’ at the front of a paper and in the case of this project, the ‘executive summary’ is the actual paper. You will, of course, be likely to write more on your section in the first instance but you will then have to reduce it in size to make this summary the correct length. Although you may choose to allocate one section to each person in the group, it is VITAL that the quality of English (grammar, spelling), is high throughout. Thus one person who is good at English should check through the whole paper. Also, each section should use the same font and typesize. You should also ensure that each of you understands each of the 5 topics and is able to speak in class about any of them. I may choose any one of you to present and to explain your proposals. Project China’s banks are trying to internationalise. You have been employed as consultants to a well-known large Chinese bank. They have asked you to write a report for them as below: â€Å"Until now, we have been principally a domestic financial institution operating in mainland China. We expect that the profitability of our existing domestic business may decline and that our balance sheet size will not increase as fast as before. We are therefore considering trying to internationalise. We need to learn from Western experience of internationalisation and try to apply that experience (though modified for specific Chinese characteristics) to our own internationalisation project. Please prepare a report that will help us achieve our objectives. † Having chosen your bank (one of the big four) set out a strategy that it might follow. You should start by looking at the bank’s latest annual report and accounts and any press references to internationalization of Chinese banks. Some topics that you might cover are suggested below but the actual topics that you think are relevant may be wider than this. You should also look at the experience of Western banks which have tried to become full-service i. e. international financial supermarkets. I. Examine balance sheet strength, current and future expected loan losses on existing domestic loans, current and future required Basel ratios and current price to book ratios of the bank or banks you have chosen and any other relevant information. You have to provide a summary of your chosen bank’s financial strengths and weakness relative to competitors. Consider any competitive advantages that Chinese banks might have in trying to internationalise in relation to any weaknesses of European or US banks at the present time in terms of funding availability, currency related issues, term of loans, regulatory ratios, ownership structure etc. II. Consider reasons why Chinese domestic banking is likely to be less profitable from 2012 onwards compared with previous years (consider interest margins and loan write-offs and any other factors). Consider in which countries a bank might best open overseas operations, what commercial banking products and services might be offered and why. Consider products and services to be offered to Chinese companies doing business abroad and also local companies in the foreign market which may or may not do business with China. Give reasons why you think a Chinese bank could gain competitive advantage in these markets with the different types of customer they might attract. Also consider where you might put the international head office of such a bank and whether the senior management in a country should be natives of that country or expatriate managers from China. III. Chinese banks are currently principally commercial banks involved in lending, trade financing, foreign exchange services and leasing. Consider the other types of products and services, in particular investment banking and asset management services, that they might want to offer outside China and the advantages and possible drawbacks of trying to compete with US investment banks in such products. Finish with a recommendation on the scope of products the bank should offer. IV. If you recommend that your bank should go ahead with an internationalisation programme, advise it on the relative merits of a new start-up bank versus a policy of acquisition of local banks in the chosen markets. You might, for example, suggest that the bank acquire RBS from the UK government. V. Japanese commercial and investment banks have not been very successful in their internationalising efforts (see Chapter 27 of your textbook). Consider the economic, cultural and foreign branch/ subsidiary management, employee and governance (and any other) issues that might have hindered their development. Consider how a Chinese banks may, or may not, be able to overcome these same difficulties. Citigroup has also proven not to be very successful. You should examine what its strategy was and why it collapsed (rescued by the US government) and why it is now downsizing and simplifying. RBS has also cut back its investment banking activities dramatically. You should consider why it has done this. Some articles from the FT that might be useful in this endeavour are included on Blackboard under â€Å"Course Documents†. However, it is important that you access other sources of information which may include private information that you have access to. You should give references where appropriate. Brian Scott-Quinn ——————————————– [ 1 ]. Bank of China, China Construction Bank, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, Agricultural Bank of China

Monday, July 29, 2019

Acesite Corporation vs. Nlrc

* Gonzales took several leaves (sick leave, emergency leave, and vacation leave), thereby using up all leaves that he was entitled for the year. * Before the expiration of his 12-day vacation leave, Gonzales filed an application for emergency leave for 10 days commencing on April 30 up to May 13, 1998. The application was not, however, approved. * He received a telegram informing him of the disapproval and asking him to report back for work on April 30, 1998. However Gonzales did not report for work on the said date. * On May 5, 1998, Acesite sent him a final telegram in his provincial address containing in order for Gonzales to report back to work. * Gonzales, who claims to have received the May 5, 1998 telegram only in the afternoon of May 7, 1998, immediately repaired back to Manila on May 8, 1998 only to be â€Å"humiliatingly and ignominiously barred by the guard (a subordinate of [Gonzales]) from entering the premises. * It appears that on May 7, 1998, the issued notice of termination was thru an inter-office memo. * Gonzales thus filed on May 27, 1998 a complaint against Acesite for illegal dismissal with prayer for reinstatement and payment of full backwages, etc. * Acesite claims, Gonzales â€Å"showed no respect for the lawful orders for him to report back to work and repeatedly ignored all telegrams sent to him,† and it merely exercised its legal right to dismiss him under the House Code of Discipline. LA – the c omplaint for lack of merit, its holding that Gonzales was dismissed for just cause and was not denied of due process. * NLRC – reversed that of the Labor Arbiter. * CA – finding that Gonzales was illegally dismissed, affirmed with modification the NLRC decision. Issue: * WON Gonzales was legally dismissed for just cause. Held: * No. there appears to have been no just cause to dismiss Gonzales from employment. As correctly ruled by the Court of Appeals, Gonzales cannot be considered to have willfully disobeyed his employer. Willful disobedience entails the concurrence of at least two (2) requisites: the employee’s assailed conduct has been willful or intentional, the willfulness being characterized by a â€Å"wrongful and perverse attitude;† and the order violated must have been reasonable, lawful, made known to the employee and must pertain to the duties which he had been engaged to discharge. In Gonzales’ case, his assailed conduct has not been shown to have been characterized by a perverse attitude, hence, the first requisite is wanting. His receipt of the telegram disapproving his application for emergency leave starting April 30, 1998 has not been shown. And it cannot be said that he disobeyed the May 5, 1998 telegram since he received it only on May 7, 1998. On the contrary, that he immediately hied back to Manila upon receipt thereof negates a perverse attitude.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

An evaluation of economical impact on educational tourism in Australia Essay

An evaluation of economical impact on educational tourism in Australia - Essay Example It is known that international students are not subsidized by the Australian government and pay full fees for all courses. This mandate is under the Education Services for Overseas Student (ESOS) Act under the Federal legislation. An examination of recent researches and data indicates that educational tourism revenue have been steadily gaining an upward strength and ultimately surpasses tourism as the top services export this year. Recent studies show that 40% of the total expenses of international students were spent on tuition fees, and the remaining 60% were spent on other goods and services such as food and accommodation (National Centre, 7). This paper will discuss the effects of educational tourism to skilled immigration and travel and tourism, and detail the business industries who greatly benefit from international education. The paper will also evaluate which five countries are the top sources for international students, and the possible reasons why these countries generate the most number of foreign students. Since the number of foreign students in Australia is considered relatively high, it is fair to hypothesize that a large part of the country’s overall revenue is generated from the expenses of these population group. It is also important to keep in mind that these foreign students may be considered as an investment in the country’s future as numerous foreign students have acquired quality education in the country before, and that allowed them to gain significant qualifications that definitely created a difference in their lives. These graduates will be highly skilled in their careers and can be influential in their own countries in the future. Their past bond with Australia at a major point in their lives will aid Australia in creating bridges on people-to-people, cultural, and business ties with these nations. Those students who will gain permanent residence

Physical Education Effects Thesis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Physical Education Effects - Thesis Example Before discussing the problem, it is important for us to understand the significance of Physical Education. â€Å"Hundreds of studies have evaluated health education and concluded that it is effective in reducing the number of teenage pregnancies, decreasing smoking rates among young people, and preventing the adoption of many high-risk behaviors.† (Summerfield) Most health organizations, around the world, lay stress upon the importance of physical activity. It is recommended that the child must take part in physical activity for about sixty minutes daily to improve his or her health and to eliminate the risk of diseases such as heart problems and obesity and even some most fatal ones such as Cancer. Physical activity has wide-ranging effects on human health. â€Å"Poor diet and physical inactivity might soon overtake tobacco as the leading cause of death.† Today, urban community is facing a lot more problems of health than that living some decades ago. This is because of the reduction in physical activity due to the increasing pressure of work in the fast world. Time shortage due to increased workload and financial pressure has led to a substantial decrease in physical activity. That is why; we are facing more and more health problems every day.Probably, physical education has much more important effects on human health than on academic performance, yet the relationship between physical education and academic performance is necessary to be defined in order to support physical education in schools.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Human resource Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Human resource Management - Essay Example The three human resource topics that will be emphasize in this analysis are managing sex and gender issues, employee benefits and compensation, and equal employment opportunities. My father’s company currently has only two employees. I envision tremendous growth for this company and within five years it is highly likely the firm could approach a payroll of over 100 employees. One of the topics that must be emphasized by the managers and the human resource department of the company are sex and gender issues. The civil rights and feminism movements of the 1960’s helped women reached equality in the United States. In the past women served the role of housewives. Today there are as many women in the workforce as men. In the 1900 only 19% of women worked, but by 2007 women composed 46% of the labor force (Lee & Mather, 2008). Due to the importance of women in the workplace the company must protect the rights of its workers and provide equal opportunities for employees of bot h sexes. My father’s business will become a place where people feel secured and happy to work there. The best way to achieve that goal is by complying with labor laws to ensure the employees are provided with a safe working environment. Title VII of the 1964 Civil Right Act prohibits sex discrimination in the workplace. â€Å"Title VII applies to private employers, state and local government employers, labor organizations, employment agencies, and joint employer-union apprenticeship programs with 15 or more employees† (Equalrights, 2011). The company will utilize an ethical framework to ensure all employees are respected. Another problem related with gender is a concept known as glass ceiling. The glass ceiling is an invisible barrier that affects the chances of women and minorities to reach the managerial level in an organization due to prejudice (Businessdictionary, 2011). To prevent the glass ceiling from occurring at the organization the firm must hire women and mi norities to become a part of the managerial team as the firm begins to grow. The company must audit its human resource composition every three months. The manager will compare the ethnic and gender composition to determine if the firm’s human resources have a similar composition as the population of the United States. The second human resource issue that the company must manage well is its employee salary and benefit packages. Employees participating in the U.S. labor force expect to get compensated well. In the United States the average salary is $41,673 (Ssa, 2011). The company must perform adequate research on how much each profession is paying in the United States. The salary the company will pay its employees will be equal or higher than the average salary for the profession based on experience. A website that provides excellent information regarding the salaries of different professions based on work experience is (Salary, 2011). The company will be able to m aintain a higher employee retention rate if the firm pays competitive salaries. A second component of a total compensation package is the benefits. In today’s economy sometimes employees value benefit as much if not more than salary. The employees knows that a salary can be replaced by getting a different job, but a job that offers tremendous benefits are hard to

Friday, July 26, 2019

Museums In Between Social Duty and Controversy Assignment

Museums In Between Social Duty and Controversy - Assignment Example Traditionally museums have collected and exhibited fine art, natural history, ancient history, and ethnography. Due to this lack of interest in historical collections, the 1976 exhibitions in Western Australia contained "nothing about Aboriginal history: it remained elsewhere within a safer context of anthropology. There were few women. A large model of Queen Victoria and a little later a very genteel parlor scene constituted the sole female presence in the gallery." (Anderson, Selling) These were two of the major issues that later have shaken the tranquil world of Australian museums. Aborigine history and women's contribution to social development have superficially been approached and even diminished by setting specific exhibitions in locations that belittle their importance - as for instance is the case of the Powerhouse Museum reopening exhibit in 1988. (Anderson, Selling) Feminist groups have become increasingly displeased with the dim presence of women's history in public exhib its. They have also protested against the male predominance in museums managements and "have formed a separate association within the museum professional organization, to promote debate on this issue and to raise the profile of women in the profession." (Anderson, Selling) At the Powerhouse Museum, "women are largely absent", or whenever present, they "are cast as the passive recipients of technological advance"(ibid). It goes the same with the Museum of Victoria, which is 1985 exhibited the "Story of Victoria" where women are present in a small section that dealt with "women's suffrage and with one of the women's early strikes"(ibid) but nothing more.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Side Channel Attacks Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Side Channel Attacks - Essay Example Zhou and Feng (2011) observed that cryptographic devices’ physical attacks tends to take advantage of implementation-specific features to convalesce the secrete considerations factored in during computation. As a result, they are much less general because they are specific to a particular implementation, but rather more powerful than classical cryptanalysis that is normally perceived to be very serious by cryptographic device manufacturers, according to Zhou and Feng (2011). There are usually numerous such physical attacks, which falls under two broad categories namely invasive vs. non-invasive attacks and active vs. passive attacks. Invasive attacks, according to Zhou and Feng (2011) need de-packaging of the chip in order to have direct access to the components inside it. A classical example of invasive attack can be a wire connection onto a data bus to be able to view the data transfers (Bao et al., 2011). A non-invasive attack, on the other hand, only uses information avail able externally, such as power consumption and running time, according to Zhou and Feng (2011). ... Therefore, the side-channel attacks that this paper seeks to explore are a form of physical attacks where an adversary attempts to exploit the leakages of physical information such as power consumption, timing information, or electromagnetic radiation. Skorobogatov (2011) defines side-channel attacks as any form of physical attack based on information obtained from the physical implementation of a cryptosystem, but not brute force in the algorithms. Skorobogatov (2011) reveals that side-channel attacks pertain to measuring changeability of hardware and analyzing the behavior of the algorithm that runs the hardware in question. However, since the information leakages resulting from side-channel attacks are passive, non-invasive and can easily be performed using cheap equipment, they pose danger to the security of cryptographic hardware devices, according to Skorobogatov (2011). The cryptographic devices include among other things personal computers, smart cards, and radio frequency id entification devices (RFIDs) among others. Their proliferation has made the physical security and side-channel attacks a major concern that need to be examines in details (Bidgoli, 2006). This paper will begin by examining the basics of side-channel attacks. Among the issues discussed in this section, include the genesis of unintended information leakages in latest microelectronic technologies and how the physical features can be recovered using a simple measurement setups. This will be followed by an exploration of some of the typical examples of side-channel attacks such as the differential power analysis (DPA) and simple power analysis (SPA).

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Foreign investment and country risks in Saudi Arabia Dissertation

Foreign investment and country risks in Saudi Arabia - Dissertation Example 1.2 Introduction The research report is about the FDI prospects in Saudi Arabia. The researcher has made an attempt to conduct primary research with the help of interviews ad questionnaires to analyse the topic along with an in-depth analysis of some previous researches of the topic. 1.3 Background According to Vazquez, Fournier & Flores (2009, pp.257-270), Saudi Arabia, being a developing country, has a large amount of foreign direct investment. The country’s government has made heavy investments in the infrastructure so that FDI is attracted. The government welcomes FDI as it brings in technology, employment opportunities, trained workforce, makes efficient use of domestic raw materials and enhances economic development. As per Korgstup & Matter (2005), forty five percent of the GDP and 90% of the export earnings are from the petroleum sector. The country’s economic development is also dependent upon 6 million overseas workers. With the signing of the World Trade Orga nization agreement, many opportunities have opened for investment in the country especially in the oil and service sector where the country is concentrating on producing the products rather than exporting raw materials. According to Benbya, Passiante and Belbaly (2004, pp. 201–220)m Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) may be defined as a long-term investment by a foreign direct investor in an enterprise resident in an economy other than that in which the foreign direct investor is based. This involves a parent enterprise and a foreign affiliate that together make a transnational corporation (TNC). For such an agreement to be termed as FDI, the parent firm should have the control over the other affiliate. However, Korgstup & Matter (2005) argues, any sort of investment in a foreign land should done carefully as there may be several risks involved and many issues may occur over the course of the investment. For example language and cultural barriers in Saudi Arabia limit the scope of the investment tremendously and therefore the investor should have a through understanding of the market he is venturing. Moreover, there may be differences in business negotiation styles, religion, social norms and etiquettes that may impact the FDI. The report of UNCTAD (2002), on Foreign Direct Investment to the Middle East countries recorded a decrease of 33% dropping in 2002, from $6.7 billion in 2001 to $4.5 billion in 2002, that accounted for approximately 2.8% of total FDI inflow in the Developing Countries. This was mainly due to the regional political unrest, which in turn had an impact on their global business relationships. Moreover, according to Korgstup & Matter (2005) the region along with Saudi Arabia is not a plausible place for foreign investment due to such unrest and investors are seeking new markets for their future investment due to these political vagaries. 1.3 Aims of the Dissertation: 1.3.1 The objectives of the research are to: 1.Identify the various ris ks that a foreign investment faces in Saudi Arabia and how they affect foreign direct investment. Foreign direct investment is essential for Saudi Arabia and is essential for the growth of the country. However, there are many problems and difficulties that foreign investors have to face when they invest in Saudi Arabia, which deters new investors to explore this market. In this research an attempt will be made to identify these problems and issues that are causing difficulties for these foreign firms that in turn are affecting foreign direct

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Coca cola Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Coca cola - Essay Example John Pemberton died within two years of invention and the brand was then purchased by Asa Candler in 1889. The beverage was initially sold at 5 cents for each glass in Jacob’s Pharmacy. The company expanded its operations mostly within 1900 to 1920. The marketing strategy of Asa Griggs Candler has helped the product to lead the market of soft drinks all throughout the twentieth century (â€Å"The Chronicle of Coca-Cola: The Candler Era†). The Coca Cola Company manufactures concentrated coca cola or coke. This concentrated product is sold to all the licensed bottlers of Coca Cola who sell these products all over the world (â€Å"Overview†). The bottlers have territorial contract with Coca Cola Company and they produce the finished products of the company in bottles or cans from their initial concentrated state and then sell them all over the world. Occasionally there are other cola drinks available which are sold under the same brand name of ‘Coca Colaâ€⠄¢. The most common drinks in this form are Caffeine free Coca Cola, Coca Cola Cherry, Diet Coke Caffeine free, etc. The Coca Cola brand has been ranked as the most valuable brand in the world on the basis of Interbrand’s best global brand in the year 2011. ... Moreover, the reason behind choosing coca cola is its unique taste and saltiness (â€Å"Family, Food and Coca Cola†). However, presently it has been seen that the customer preferences towards non alcoholic drinks like Coca Cola is changing because of the increasing health concerns, demand of other alcoholic competitive products in the market and changes in the life style of the consumers (â€Å"The Five Mega-Trends Shaping Tomorrow's Customers†). The five mega trends of the customer’s preferences would be driving the beverage industry. They are: mass urbanization, aging population; rise of the middle class globally, changing technology and concern of people related to sustainable society (â€Å"COKE CEO: These Five Consumer Mega Trends Are Changing the World†). Among all top beverage producing companies PepsiCo is having huge demand among the consumers. Thus, Coca Cola faces high competition from PepsiCo. There has been increasing demand of Coke Zero produ ct of the Coca Cola Company in the market in order to satisfy the health conscious customers (â€Å"How Coca Cola Keeps Up with Shifting Consumers Demands†). This product is found to have higher penetration in the market because of men rather than women. However, it has also been found that the college students have great affinity towards varieties of Coke like Diet Coke, Coke Zero and Coca Cola Classic. The next portion of the study would be conducting a primary open ended survey by means of an interview of the potential customers of the brand ‘Coca Cola’. The customers who were focused while conducting the research belonged to the young age group. Primary Research Do you think that packaging, taste and calories are three important

Kidulthood Essay Example for Free

Kidulthood Essay Kidulthood is a realist drama set in West London, made in 2006. It shows stereotype with teenagers and gender. Stand By Me is a film about four young teens going on a adventure to find a dead body. This film was made in 1986 but was based in 1959. The four boys lice in a small town in America. The youth and gender representation of kidulthood is that, it represents girls as being sex toys and that they need the opposite sex. A character which shows this is Becky (Alisas best friend). She always sells her body to men so that she can get stuff which shows that women are born to do these stuff. For instance in the film she gives an older man a blowjob for drugs. This evidence also shows that she is a sex toy for men. In conclusion Becky represents her gender as being lower than men because of her actions. Sam is the main antagonists in the film. He is represented as someone who everyone fears inside school and he always goes for someone who is less dominant. He represents his youth by showing that teenagers being a bad citizen around there area and people are not safe around them. My evidence is that he led to two murders in the film, one was Katie because of his demeanour towards her which led her to suicide and at the end of the film he hits Trife in the belly with a baseball bat. He represents his gender as boys being stronger and dominant than girls because he threatened his girlfriend with a baseball bat and he pulled Alisas her towards the end of the film. Overall he represents his youth and gender as boys nature is to be violent and have rough demeanour to girls and other people in his community. Jay is part of Trifes crew and he often uses women in the film. Jay acts big during the film but is often described as someone who is all talk and no actions. This is shown in the film when he kisses Sams girlfriend and he tells her he is not scared of Sam. But when Sam confronts him, he let him take his Gameboy. Jay represents his youth as teenagers have early sex with each other and this was shown when he tried to seduce Claire at Sams house. Also him and his crew pushed Sams mum on the floor which shows that most teenagers dont have respect for people. Also he represents his gender throughout the film by using women showing that boys can treat women however they like without their opinion. In conclusion Jay represents his youth and gender by showing that teenagers have lack of respect and boys can do whatever they want with girls. Chris from Stand by me is from a family who are criminals and alcoholics and most people stereotype about him due to his background. He represents his youth as twelve years old boy who smokes and uses a gun, also he uses foul language most of the time throughout the film. My evidence is that in the beginning of the film him and teddy smoke in the tree house at a young age and he stole a gun from his dad. Also he swore at one of the characters during the end of the film. In conclusion Chris represents his youth as young people always are a bad influence and most youth are always doing these activities not matter what age they are. Maybe for the fact that Chris was bought up in a criminal family could suggest his actions outside which could infer that the representation of youth depends on their surroundings. Also the fact that in Stand By Me they are going on a adventure to find a dead body indicates that they are clueless to be very excited and interested in a dead body, it also shows their innocence for the fact that they live in a small town where nothing really happens. In the kidulthood poster we see Sam with a baseball bat and standing up showing that he is one of the main villains of film because his position in the poster is more apart from the other characters suggests that everybody is scared of him and the baseball bat shows it. But in Stand By Me the prop is the gun held by Gordie but it does not show danger because he is wearing a cap and a backpack that could indicate that this was used for self defence, rather than the baseball bat in the Kidulthood poster because Sam is wearing a hoodie and his facial expression shows he is proud to have this baseball bat in his hand or in other hand to show this prop was made to harm people. The reason why we dont get a impression that the gun in Stand By Me was made to harm is that the quotes on top of the poster shows their childhood and what they do in life which is talking about sweets and life. But it could also represent that they act much younger than their age to be talking about is really childish. Furthermore there was no girls in the film Stand By Me which could highlight that the female gender are much more responsible, mature and better gender than them because they would not get involved in dangerous activities like the four boys got into to. Becky however shows the total opposite of what Stand By Me infers, she represents her gender as male being the dominant sex because she used a man to get money. As you can notice in the Kidulthood poster that the characters have no emotions on their faces and the mid shot of the picture shows more of the background which is dark to emphasise that London is not a place you would want to stay in whereas the Stand By Me background is more bright and one of the characters are smiling. The position of Trife and Alisa show a more of a husband and wife pose to indicate their role during the film.

Monday, July 22, 2019

Jasper Jones Essay Example for Free

Jasper Jones Essay Values have been endorsed and challenged throughout the novel Jasper Jones written by Craig Silvey. The novel Jasper Jones was about a young, shy boy named Carlie who was confronted by an older, confident boy named Jasper Jones who needed his help. As Charlie says yes they set off into the night to where Jasper shows Charlie a young girl, Eliza Wishart, who has been beaten and hung. Throughout the novel they attempt to find out who has done this horrible act to Eliza. The values of equality and coming of age have been both endorsed and challenged. Values of equality, intelligence and acceptance of individuality have been both endorsed and challenged. The value of equality were endorsed through Jasper and Jeffery Lu who have experienced discrimination due to their differences. The values of intelligence and acceptance of individuality were both present through Charlie’s allusion and his differences. The value of equality being present within the character of Jeffery Lu was evident due to his characterisation. As he was a Japanese boy who lived in Australia during the time when there was large conflict between the Japanese and Australians. In the novel Jasper Jones you see Jeffery and the Lu family to be the recipient between of many racist acts towards them. â€Å"Jeffery’s parents are Vietnamese, so he’s ruthlessly bullied and belted about by the boys at school.† Through the characterisation of Jeffery it represents the way how Jeffery is being treated because of his differences, however he portrayed Jeffery to be a very lovable character in the novel. By doing this the readers like the character of Jeffery and reject the actions and discrimination that has been done upon him so they accept the value of equality. As Jeffery is represented to be unflappable which is portraying that all of the outcasts in the world to be strong and Silvey is depicting small Australian towns to be non-accepting of others with differences in race/ The readers are then challenging the values of the town and endorsing the values of equality. Jasper Jones has been shown by author Silvey to present the value of freedom. In the town of Corrigan Jasper is seen by the public to be a menace. All of the townspeople think that he is no good to society. With Jasper Jones you see the town’s people duality as they go around blaming everything that goes wrong in the town on him but cheer and shout his name out on the football field.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

A Review On Nature Vs Nurture

A Review On Nature Vs Nurture For decades it has been debated that humans intelligence, behavior, and socioeconomic status are determined by the surrounding environment a human grows up in rather than the genealogical history they are born with. While humans may inherit physical traits from their biological parents, there is no reason genes should affect intelligence or behavior. It can be argued that human intelligence and behavior is passed down generations through genes, but there is evidence countering such theories. I firmly believe that humans come into this world as a blank slate and that behavior is formed as well as influenced by the surrounding environment in which they are raised. I will present both sides of this argument and provide both scientific and personal evidence. While both sides hold valid claims and possess good supporting evidence, the nurture simply more logical. This commonly known argument is known as the debate between nature and nurture. In this debate, nature argues that behavior and intelligence are affected genetically and that a person is able to maintain their minds ability solely through what they are born with. Those backing this belief in this case are known as nativists. Nativists in one way or another assume that human characteristics as a whole are a product of evolution. This debate only began over a century ago when Charles Darwin brought up this theory between the environmentalists and nativists. Darwins cousin, famous English scientist Francis Galton (1822 -1911), believed that intelligent families brought up intelligent children. Galton was the most famous explorer of human intelligence and made important contributions to criminology, physical anthropology, and meteorology. He made the most significant contributions to both psychology and genetics. Galton was convinced that intelligent humans came from families which possessed other intelligent family members. Professions of art, science, and politics often ran in those families that he observed. Galton theorized that people had the potential to produce a highly gifted race of men by judicious marriages during several consecutive generations (Neill, Nature vs Nurture in Intelligence). He called this eugenics. He also argued that intelligence was bred and not trained, siding with nature. Though arguably, Galton was raised through means of great wealth as his father Samuel Tertius Galton was a prominent banker. His family contained rich bankers and gunsmiths. There is no doubt that his family had easy access to high education. In his time, good education and the idea of attending a great college usually happened to wealthier folks. So it could instead be said that intelligent humans actually came from families who possessed great wealth and were actually able to afford a quality education. After World War I, several psychologists started to reconsider their nativist views and sought intelligence to be influenced through environment rather than through genealogical history. At the time African Americans were given IQ tests to compare with that of whites for a mass study. The end results showed that African Americans from Illinois scored higher on IQ tests than whites from nine other southern states. Through this analysis some scientists found it difficult to make peace with the basic idea that whites were intellectually superior to blacks. Evidence soon seemed to support a closer link between intelligence and social class, rather than race and intelligence. Following in the 1960s, the focus of an individual pertaining to hereditary studies began to shift towards social determinants. The idea started to move away from the nature and genetic outlet to the environmental and nurture end. In this case, nurture refers to the surrounding environment. Environment plays a huge factor as it may be the air we breathe, water we drink, food we eat, people we speak to, people we see, etc. Parents arent the only aspect of environment. There is also the surrounding culture. After this general idea began to be widespread, America reformed its public education and improved poor living conditions with welfare in order to better the environment. Talk of nature playing a role in contributing to any individual differences, especially intelligence, became minimalized through the present political stance. However, evidence of the differences in intelligence between racial and socioeconomic groups did not dissipate. In 1994, the Bell Curve controversy began. Richard J. Herrnsteins and Charles Murrays The Bell Curve swung the idea of nature back into the minds of the general public. This 800+ page book re-ignited the nature vs. nurture debate and generated massive controversy in sociology, education, psychology, and politics. It implied that an individuals intelligence, which was partially inherited from both biological parents, would determine that individuals socioeconomic background and future life experiences. So it claimed that your IQ could determine your job, annual income, education, criminality, relationships, and socioeconomic status. Now this is where the debate gets really heated. Readers from the left viewed the authors as racist scientists, un-American, and the book as a complete joke. Then you have the readers on the right seeing the authors at brave, powerful and respectable scholars. The nurture end of this debate claims that the behavioral differences and psychological characteristics that emerge from infancy to childhood are the simple result of learning. It leans towards the idea of how a human raised and nurtured affects solely the psychological aspect of childhood development. The only thing that biology here has to do with this is with the physical maturation of the human. Those with strong views on nurture in this debate are known as environmentalists. Environmentalists believe that the human mind at birth arrives into this world as a blank slate and that future actions along with personality and intelligence are gradually nurtured as a result from experience. Intelligence is very important to this debate. Nativists say that differences in intelligence are determined through means of certain smart genes that are being passed down generations -wealthy ones at that, if anything. Some environmentalists believe that differences in intellectual ability are a result of certain social inequalities relating in access to opportunities and material resources. For example, if a child is raised in a ghetto neighborhood, the likelihood that they will earn a good score on an IQ test is rather low because they were denied the exact same life chances that other more privileged members of society had. This is why the nature vs. nurture debate gets heated, and its understandable too, because what starts as an attempt to understand how the neighborhood that a child is raised in or the public school that they attend is able to determine the causes of behavioral differences can sometimes get into a politically motivated dispute about distributive power and justice in society. Thankfully I was raised in a nice neighborhood that consisted of friendly neighbors and calm locals. I had a good friend who lived two houses down and we would go to the same school together almost every day. His parents had college degrees and earned a good average living. I always thought he would turn out to be something big since he was very bright. Later I guess he moved in with his aunt in some other town because his mom and dad were fighting and arguing a lot. They ended up getting a divorce I figured, as the home he used to live in began to welcome moving trucks at the garage door. Last I saw him, we were both 12. The next time I saw him was when I turned 17 and it was on the local county news. He had assaulted a liquor store clerk and attempted to rob the place for a gang initiation. I wasnt so sure it was the same person because of the generic name until it was later confirmed through Facebook that evening. I looked through at his location, friends, and education and not surprisingly, he had moved to a very low income neighborhood that held a bad reputation that was located nearby downtown. So how could it have been that such an environmental shift affected his lifestyle s o drastically? He befriended gangsters and he lost interest at the public school that he attended nearby. When we were younger we went to the exact same school and lived in the exact same neighborhood. I surely did not turn out that way. I cant think of any one of my neighbors who had such a tragic change like that happen to them and affect them harshly. I always said that it was merely his environment. If parents talk, read, and listen to their kids, then they tend to do well academically and are very bright. If parents provide firm and flexible rules, then their children tend be to be well behaved. If parents treat their kids harshly then they tend to be anxious, aggressive and stressed out. A child can also acquire bad habits from their surrounding environment. Today in society, our environment isnt just about our families and friends. We have cellphones, television, music, and social networking which influence us in different ways. Todays youth is just a button away from sending a text message, searching the internet, or turning on the television. To conclude, the debate between nature and nurture consists of two ideas, both with much supportive evidence and criticism. The belief that nature is responsible for human intelligence, behavior and socioeconomic status is interesting, but does not convince me that those characteristics can be inherited. All I can see inherited are merely physical traits that appear through maturity. Nurture seems more plausible as it brings up the idea that a humans surrounding environment affects not only its intelligence and behavior, but its social life as well. This debate is still very current today as scientists battle over how much human intelligence and other behavior are determined by genes and how much by the environment.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Barbie Essay -- essays papers

Barbie Since the beginning of time, toys have often been an indicator of the way a society behaves, and how they interact with their children. For example, in ancient Greece, artifacts recovered there testify that children were simply not given toys to play with as in the modern world. The cruel ritual of leaving a sick child on a hillside for dead, seems to indicate a lack of attention to the young (Lord 16). The same is true of today’s society. As you can see with the number of toy stores in our society, we find toys of great value to our lives and enjoy giving them to children as gifts. Ask just about any young girl what she wants for Christmas and you’ll undoubtedly get the same answer: â€Å"A Barbie.† But what exactly has caused this baby boomer Barbie craze, and how did the entire world get so caught up in it? The answer lies in Ruth Handler’s vision for the first children’s adult doll. Mrs. Handler’s eleven and one-half-inch chunk of plastic began causing problems even before it’s public debut in 1959, yet has managed to become one of America’s favorite dolls. Ruth Handler and her two young children, Barbara and Ken, were merely sightseeing in Lucerne, Switzerland, when Mrs. Handler first saw the doll she herself had been trying to create (Lord 29). In the window of a small gift shop was an eleven and one-half-inch tall plastic doll with a slender woman’s body and a long blond ponytail. Her name was Lilli (â€Å"Bad Girl† 1). She had been created from a cartoon character in a West German tabloid similar to the National Inquirer (Lord 8). Dressed provocatively, and with a seductive look in her eye, Lilli had become a â€Å"popular pornographic gag gift for men† (â€Å"Bad Girl† 1). Excited to see her long-time idea a reality, Mrs. Handler bought three of the dolls and hurried home to begin work on her own doll (â€Å"Bad Girl† 2). It was 1956, and within three years, Mattel Creations began marketing the â€Å"teenage fashion model† as â€Å"a new kind of doll from real life† (Tosa 30). The new doll, deemed â€Å"Barbie†, was named after her own daughter Barbara, who’s many years of play with paper dolls had actually inspired her to begin designing the three-dimensional adult doll (Lord 30). Though Mrs. Handler’s version of the doll was not as racy or alluring as Lilli, her imitation of the â€Å"German streetwalker† would come back to haunt her many years later (†Bad ... ...body and a new focus, she has plans to become even more spectacular with many new adventures and many new friends. Barbie’s new look includes a wider waist, smaller hips, a less â€Å"torpedo-like† bust, and flat rather than pointy-toed feet (â€Å"Bad Girl† 3). She is also playing an active role in new research in prosthetics. Jane Bahor, a woman who makes replacement body parts, had experimented with the plastic knee joints in Barbie’s legs. She has found that they work well as prosthetic fingers for her patients because they â€Å"are more realistic-looking and useful†. So far, Bahor has provided the replacement joints for more than a dozen of her patients and has been extremely successful in her studies (â€Å"Bad Girl† 27). As Barbie gets ready to turn the big 4-2, it is unreal to think that she has completed her last makeover. No doubt that as time changes and people’s attitudes towards life change, this timely doll will also be forced to adjust to the needs of society. With more than 75 successful careers, her own official website, and a namesake magazine, this little doll has become more than a child’s plaything. Whether we love her or hate her, she will always be a part of us all.

Running: An Integral Part of American Culture Essay -- Essays Papers

Running: An Integral Part of American Culture The running phenomenon has blended into society in many different aspects of our lives. This does not only include track and field, but also cross country, road-racing, and jogging for health and leisure. Many Americans make running an essential part of their day. Running is not only good for your heart and lungs, but it is very beneficial for relieving stress, keeping your metabolism high, and keeping you trim and muscular. Another expanding characteristic of running is using it as a social experience. It is a part of people’s routine to meet with friends and to catch up with one another. Track is a sport that is shadowed by the likes of football and basketball, but is definitely a crowd-pleaser at the Summer Olympics every four years. Yet track begins at the youth level and expands beyond high school and college. Even though it is not the most popular sport in America, it has made an impact on our culture and our lives. Running shoes that are on your feet or in your closet probably were not created to lounge around in or to wear to school. Today the majority of running shoes are used for that. The running shoes that we know and appreciate today are a response to the numbers of people that have begun to pick up running. The market is flooded with different brands of athletic shoes, and running shoes are a large portion of that. A few decades ago there was a generic athletic shoe used for all sporting activities. Through the growing popularity of running, shoes have become much more specialized in an effort to cater to the specific needs of different runners. While running to some may be a way to earn a living or a way of life, others may do it in order to ... ... of the Internet, people can find race results that have occurred within hours of the event. There are numerous web-sites that address any runner’s needs, in addition to chat sites like Track Net that people subscribe to, and talk about†¦what else, but running. In many large cities you can find running specialty stores that sell running shoes and apparel. This is where many running groups meet for their daily run and where road racers register for the races. These specialty stores are becoming more common today as the fitness craze strikes like wildfire across the nation. As stated above, the running craze has caught on in many different aspects and on many different levels. Whether people start to run to lose those extra few pounds, or to win their age group at the local road race, running is catching on fast and the running trails are becoming more crowded.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Free Hamlet Essays: The Great Actor in Hamlet :: GCSE Coursework Shakespeare Hamlet

The Great Actor in Hamlet Hamlet is sane, not insane. He is putting on an act making people think that he is really insane when he is really just acting. Hamlet was ordered to avenge his fathers death by his father's spirit. The spirit told Hamlet that how he died. The spirit said that he was sleepong in his garden when the uncle came and poured poison into his ear. The spirit told Hamlet to avenge his death by killing his uncle. Hamlet wanted to prove that his uncle really killed his father. His uncle married his mother shortly after the murder of Hamlets father. I think Hamlet is crying inside beacuse he suspects what really happened. People think Hamlet is insane but he is really only acting. After Hamlet has spoken to the ghost, and Horatio and Marcellus find him, emotionally disturbed he says, "As I perchance hereafter shall think meet to put an antic disposition on... to note that you know aught of me--this do swear". (Act 1, scene 5, line 191-192, 201) This means if I (Hamlet) act crazy in the future, don't take it seriously, I am just acting. Hamlet acting crazy will help him prove that his uncle indeed killed his father. Hamlet wanted to know if what his father's spirit told him about his uncle killing his father was true, so he got the best actors he could find and reenacted what he though the death of his father was like, to see what his uncle's reaction would be. When he saw his uncle storm out of the room he knew it was true. If he were insane he could not have thought of such a good plan to "catch the conscience of the King" (Act 2, scene 2, line 634). Hamlet wanted the king to think he was insane. The king did think Hamlet was insane. The King talking to Rosencranz and Guildenstern says, "something have you heard of Hamlet's transformation, so call it, sith nor th'exterior nor the inward man resembles that it was." (Act 2, scene 2, lines 4-7). Hamlet wanted the king to think he was insane because he didn't want the king to interfere with his plan to find out if he really killed his father. He acted insane because he knew if he did the king would stay out of his way and he would have time to put his plan into operation.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

How does the view of modern media and literature vary to the biblical literature on the medical developments of Cloning?

This essay deals with the issues raised in the media by the rapid technological developments of cloning and in particular on the religious beliefs of the uniqueness of life. It will also touch upon the ethical and legal issues brought about through out the development of cloning. 1A clone is a group of genetically identical organisms. Identical twins are therefore a clone since both come form one fertilised egg that is divided into two genetically identical cells that then separate. In the process of mammalian cloning there are two processes. Nuclear Transfer is where the nucleus is removed from the unfertilised egg cell; this eliminates all its genetic information. The cell nucleus of the individual being cloned is introduced into the enucleated egg cell though cell fusion. If this is done in the right conditions, the egg cell then begins to divide and go through a process of foetal developments as if it had been fertilised normally. The other process is artificial twinning which is a process of splitting the embryo into two or more embryos. First an egg cell is fertilised by sperm, then left to grow into an embryo. The embryo is split into two or more embryos when it is still in the early stage of development. The split embryo are nurtured into new embryos, all genetically identical, then implanted into the surrogate mother to grow. This is not the same as nuclear transfer as the born animal has biological parents and is a clone of its brothers and sisters. Cloning of mammals has proven to be difficult and has only developed in the past few years through a long line of research. 3In 1997 came the most famous sheep of all Dolly who was cloned using a cell from an adult sheep. She represented a new departure because she was the first mammal to have been cloned using a nucleus taken from an adult sheep. She possessed a genetic code identical to that of her original parents. This breakthrough raised the possibility of cloning adult mammals rather than embryos. However it is not known yet whether nuclear transfer will be possible in the process of cloning humans. Most future cloning developments will not even concern the reproduction of humans but it will focus on using cloning to understand cell development, heredity and genetic structure. For example cloning research may contribute to disease treatment by allowing scientists to reprogram cells. Through research, skin cells could be reprogrammed into insulin producing cells in the pancreas. These skin cells would then be introduced into the pancreas of the diabetes patients, allowing them to produce insulin. 4However a number of other applications has been envisaged. It could be used in future research in which cloning may be beneficial, such as encouraging research into cloned tissues to work with the basic building blocks of life ‘the stem cells' and discovering how to reprogramme them in such away that they will develop into the tissue that is needed such as skin or heart muscle or nerve cells. These stem cells can be acquired from the foetus which has miscarried or been aborted. In order to obtain these stem cells which are genetically identical to the suffer, it is necessary to use the cloning technique, taking the nucleus of a cell from the affected person and putting it into a human egg, from which the nucleus has been removed. This is the creation of life; it is genetically identical to the person who is suffering. After just a few days of cell division, the stem cells would be removed from the embryo and then the embryo would be destroyed, this would give you a cell line which would never be human but would be used for producing identical tissue for a patient who needs a supply of cells or tissue for grafting, such as replacing heart muscle tissue which would offer hope for people with heart disease, or brain tissue which would help suffers of Alzheimer's. However many of these future applications of cloning involve the creation of embryo solely as a source of cells and destroying them. In an article by Roger Highfield science editor of The Daily Telegraph raises the ethical question, does the 100 cell early embryo that will be used in the stem cell research count as a person? That is the question at the heart of the debate. At one extreme, pro-life groups, the Catholic Church and some other religious organisations argue that the embryo becomes a human being as soon as an egg is fertilised, and should be accorded the same respect as a baby. However, as stated by Roger Highfield in the Sunday Telegraph 2002 the Christian tradition has not always granted this moral status to the early embryo. For many centuries it was believed that the human soul did not enter the embryo until 40 days after conception in the case of a man, and 90 days after conception in the case of a woman. This distinction only ended in 1869 when Pope Pius IX declared that women who had survived an abortion were to be excommunicated implying that a person was ‘ensouled' at conception. Highfield believes those at the other extreme of the debate claim that a very early embryo is no more than a collection of undifferentiated cells and deserves little more attention that any other isolated human cell or tissue. The fact that the embryo has the potential to become a person does not they say accord it the rights of a person. They also say the view that the embryo is a person from the moment of conception does not match most people's idea of human personal identity. The Warnock committee concluded that the early embryo has special status but not one that justifies its absolute protection. One of the arguments used by the modern media against developing embryonic stem cells is the same for cloning whole animals. As it could be argued that once scientists have done this there would be no stopping them from going on to develop a human clone. If once the first step is taken it might seem inevitable that the next step should follow. Therefore is it wrong to let the first step take place? As Mary Warnock suggests in her article on stem cell research from the Dialogue journal is our fear of genetic manipulation different in kind from other fears? Many fears of new discoveries have been fears of supposed risks. This was the case when people feared steam engines or internal combustion engine. And we have on whole become a risk averse society, we think of minimising risks as human nature. The issue poses the question of how cloning maybe beneficial as well as morally wrong. The people against cloning feel it is an affront to religious sensibilities; it seems like playing God and interfering with the natural process. There are other objections too like they are worried that cloning appears to be a powerful force that can be exploited to produce horrendous results like creating a population entirely the same. One of the main ethical concerns brought up by the media is the possibility of the psychological impact on the offspring. Would the human clone have a diminished sense of individuality? Perhaps human clones would think that they were genetically destined to the same fate as the person from whom their donor cells came. 7Ethical questions have been raised about how cloning could also control the children's genotypes, which could be practised in discriminatory ways. As the author Peter Paris expressed in the Ethics of Human Cloning that parents could use cloning as genetic manipulation along with other techniques to exercise the quality control over their children, or perhaps scientists may use it with racist intent a fear raised by Peter Paris,' Since Europeans, and euro Americans have never been able to affirm the value of the worlds darker races as equals, there is little reason to believe that their scientists would not seek to rid the world of some of its racial diversity by combining science of eugenic with that of human cloning,. From this there could be a reduction in genetic variability, for producing many clones runs the risk of creating a population entirely the same. The population would be susceptible to the same diseases and one disease could devastate the entire population. Too this lends support to old prejudices and it could also raise new ones which cut across existing social divisions. In the modern media supporters of cloning consider that with careful continuation of research, the technological benefits of cloning clearly outweigh the possible social consequences. In their minds, the final products of cloning, like farm animals and laboratory mice will not be the most important achievement. The applications of cloning the envision are not nightmarish and inhumane, but will improve the overall quality of science and life. Cloning will help to produce discoveries that will affect the study of genetics, cell development, human growth, and obstetrics. Also the people who argue in favour of cloning believe that much of the concerns are based on misunderstandings. They believe cloning in reality would produce what amounts to a delayed identical twin, several years or even decades younger than that person who is being cloned. Identical twins are separate individuals. They look different because of different preferences, clothing and hairstyle. They even have different moral values, academic achievements and tastes in music. As many identical twins through their lives develop unique identities of their own. Another misunderstanding is how genes influence an individual's development. Human beings do not inherit a fixed unchangeable genetic blueprint from their parents. Scientists believe it's an interaction between genes and the environment in which an individual grows up and lives including the environment in which the foetus is in the womb. 8One of the major reasons people fear cloning is based religious reasons on the notion that a clone is an imperfect imitation of the real thing, which causes some people to think that far from having the same soul as someone else a clone would have no soul at all. In the book Remaking Eden it was stated that the Irvine, California, rabbi Bernard King was seriously frightened by this idea when he asked, ‘Can the cloning process create a soul? Can scientists create the soul that would make a being ethical, moral, caring, loving, all the things we attribute humanity to? ‘. The Catholic Father Saunders suggested that, ‘Cloning would only produce humanoids or androids-soulless replicas of human beings that could be used as slaves. ‘ However there is nothing artificial about the cells used in cloning. They are alive all through the cloning process. The newly formed embryo can only develop inside the womb of a woman in the same way embryo and foetuses develop. Cloned children will be proper human beings thus the notion of soulless clone has no basis in reality. 9Though the fundamental ethical concern is something for which Christian theology provides some insights. Neil Messer suggests that the act of cloning can go against many people's moral and religious beliefs. The bible is an important part of any Christian's life and it contains the teachings of God and his views on life. In genesis he talks of the creating of earth where on the fifth day: ‘God created man in his image: in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1v27. Human beings are made in the image of God. This bestows on them unique status in creation to treat them, not as manipulated, is to violate Gods given nature. Should we be going against him and creating humans to our specifications? Or is this what God would have wanted? Many strong Christians would disagree with pre-cloners saying that God made man and we should not be tampering with God and his creations, we are finite and limited creatures, we are mortals rather than God, and it is both foolish and self destructive for us to forget that. Whilst many would answer with arguments that if God had not wanted this then he would not have let humans progress so far, like genesis 11 we find human beings use there God given skill and ingenuity to try and reach up to heavens, to make a name for themselves in efforts to become like God ‘ Come let us build ourselves a city a tower that reaches the heavens, so that we may make a name for themselves and not be scattered over the face of the earth' Genesis 11v3. In this man is using Gods given ability to push back out limits to take some measure of control and authority over created order and share in Gods creative work. This was seen as an arrogant use of that skill and ingenuity to pretend that we have no limits, that we are Gods. However God has given us freewill and to exercise this freewill would mean consequently God cannot be held responsible. 10Also in Bioethics a primer for Christian Gilbert Milander believed Christians would also see cloning as a violation to the uniqueness of human life, which God has given to each person and to no one else. Christians are given their individualism uniqueness in the ritual of baptism. In baptism God sets his hand upon them calls them by name and thereby establishes their unique individual identity and destiny. Their uniqueness is not a personal achievement or power it is established in community with God when they realise that they can not directly control their destiny but when they admit that life is grounded and sustained by God. 11Nevertheless from the earliest time of human culture we have been co-creators with God. We have taken the things around us including our own bodies and brains and reorganized them into a number of different ways. We can ask ourselves the question is there anything that can be excluded from the touch of the human hand and the initiative of the human brain Even now we have discovered that life itself can be tampered with. Which shows us that we are co creators with God and we can shape life anyway we desire. 12Consequently can we Christians accept their positions as co-creators or would this be seen as blasphemy? Although the fact remains that humans have been given such power without the knowledge and understanding of God, which means the moral issue then becomes whether we will use our power responsibly. What wrong things might we create with the power of life? Will we be able to watch someone die knowing we are able to create replicas of them? Will we deny our human weakness and try and stop the process of aging by replacing aging parts of our body? Will we worship physical strength and create a society where only those people live and make false images of human life selected by our own preferences. The media has now made us aware that the possibility of cloning humans is only a few years away. Though Cloning has offered us an insight into the power of creation that humanity has done. A Christian could come to the analysis that humans are co creators with God, that we are ever moving closer to making babies rather than having babies. The media and religious organisations believe Cloning represents a test of human restraint wisdom and technological developments and in many ways identifies genetic engineering as one of the most moral problems of the 21st century. Epilogue The media provides us with information that the science of cloning continues to evolve at a rapid pace, and medical advancements based on this science will continue to provide new ethical and religious challenges. As Dr Michael West said on a radio4 Today programme when interviewed by John Humphry's ‘The Use of stem cell research for the relief of disease, Parkinson's, Cystic thybrosis will prove to be irresistible but not for human cloning, Literature Review I have many books written about the ethical debate surrounding cloning all of which are in the light of the recent developments of cloning and sets out the modern debate and the Medias views of cloning as well as the theological issues. The books seem quite useful all giving different viewpoints on the subject and they all seem to have been written quite recently as cloning is a new issue and first explored in March 1997 when Dolly the first cloned mammal was born. There are journals which consist of the moral debate of cloning hence I will be able to get hold of up to date information and the view ethicists in this area. The Ethics of Human Cloning Neil Messer 2001 With all the recent events and research of cloning this booklet sets out the debate of cloning it explains the technical terms clearly and draws out the theological issues and shows what Christians have to contribute to the discussion of Cloning. 2 Clone The Road to Dolly and The Path Ahead 1998 This book puts the science and ethics into context and discusses what part of cloning may play in the future of this medical research and human race. The book also considers the ethical dilemma that maybe used to clone human. Also the book touches on how news on scientific journals reach the popular media. 3. Remaking Eden Cloning and Beyond 1999 This book explores the science of embryology touching down on cloning and the new world of baby making , it explains what science can do and will be able to do. 4. Flesh of my flesh, the ethics of Human cloning This book contains a collection of articles from scientists, philosophers, bioethists and theologians debating whether cloning should be allowed , it also examines up to date laws on cloning and different legal points of views.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Benefits of Using Laser Communication Technology Essay

opthalmic maser confabulation, often referred to as free- station optics (FSO) or free-space visual maser (FSL) chat, is similar to graphic symbol optic argument in terms of carrier wavelength and bandwidth capability, exclusively selective information ar transmitted promptly through the atmosphere via visual maser air outs oer paths from a few meters to 4 km or acheer. FSL uses lasers in the near-infrargond spectrum, typic every(prenominal)y at wavelengths of 850 or 1550 nm. precondition these wavelengths, atmospheric fading must be considered, and an adequate strand of opthalmic power (dB) must repre go forward to actualise luxuriously governance handiness (the percentage of fourth dimension that an FSL link is in ope dimensionn, typically 99.9%). A visual lam of 100 m raft attenuated a laser ventilate at a rate of nearly cxxx dB km1.For short associate ( 1200 m), fog and low clouds argon the uncomplicated concerns. For longer links, scintillatio n, intemperately rain, and s direct frequently become issues. To address these issues, long-term mode data are analyzed to sink the absolute frequency of occurrence of low visibilities and low-cloud ceilings. To fancy availability at a point of interest, adjustments to airport climate data are made to accommodate differences in altitude, geography, and the cause of the urban heat island. In sum, discourse via FSL is a feasible alternative to part optic chat channel when atmospheric conditions are considered and properly analyzed.Polarization shift keying (PolSK) is a new modulation technique, it uses the state of polarization of an electromagnetic wave carrier as the study bearing parameter. This paper describes a modulation/demodulation method based on PolSK, and a towering gear-speed laser converse system, and verifies its feasibility through theoretical depth psychology and computer simulation. Studies rent sh induce that the based on the parameters of laser po larization modulation and demodulation techniques obtain unique advantages, much(prenominal) as in anti-atmospheric intercession, exalteder data rate and take d ingest fleck error rate, greatly up(p) the reliability of communion. In addition to pleomorphism modulation drop be chance ond by this modulation method, which has a data capacity. In the future, the PolSK modulation and differential demodulation method has a broad space for development and drill prospects in the space laser dialogues. investigate BackgroundThe engineering science of laser discourse was concerned by great estate in the world, because of its advantage of good security, twist pro admits conveniently, galactic converse capacity, littleness and portable, low power consumption and the another(prenominal)(a)(a)(a) advantages. With the achievement of micro-arc order dynamic introduce technology, in order to develop its say-sos and advantages further, high-rate and long distance became t he new directions of the development of the laser conference.The technology of laser communication unite some more(prenominal) mature technologies of high speed visual type communication technology, such(prenominal) as front optical amplification, wavelength division multiplexing, diversity reception and the all-optical network technology, which withal brought new problems into the air weakly match into optical reference. Because of the effects of the difference of opinion of the alignment, oscillation and atmosphere, it was difficult to achieve high efficacy of air light coupled into optical fiber for tiny diameter of cell nucleus of the fiber.Thus, big diameter of lens nucleus of the fiber should be chosen. As the leap of the de guilts, the detective area of the detector of the high speed optoelectronic detector was difficult to achieve above 100m. Therefore, its infallible to optimize the diameter of fiber core and the detective area. At the homogeneous time, in order to lighten and slighten the optical programme and void some practicable problems such as the high frequency interference and the moment of the wire-wound, its unavoidablenessed to estimate and act upon the loss of optical docking to optimize the high efficiency and speed received system of the atmospheric laser communication.In the paper, the high-efficiency and high-velocity murderer technology of atmospheric laser communication was analyzed, which was based on ideal and atmospheric condition. For which, the received system of the atmospheric laser communication and its main parameters were discussed and the effects of the atmospheric on the laser communication with high efficiency and velocity were analyzed. Besides, the factors were excessively discussed, which affect the space light span into the fiber and fiber docking coupling and the identical simulation results were given. The method was proposed, which was used to solve the problems of the atmospheric lase r communication, and the results of the indoor fiber docking coupling were analyzed so that it was feasible and efficient.The experiment of the maximum coupling efficiency ab out the atmosphere was carried out and the effects of the atmospheric on the experimental results were discussed. Modern lasers represent a monolithic im upholdment over lasers of the past, and the technology is advance just as quickly now as it has been for the past decade. Optical fiber has demonstrated the ability to move hundreds of terabits of information per second. In addition, lasers are able to look out through dense foliage, and goat brook for space communication from distances measured in millions of miles. The capabilities of modern lasers approximately are give care science-fiction stories, and the technology involved is still astir(p)Statement of the ProblemThis paper aims to set the benefits of laser communication technology. The objective of these communication projects is to ser iniqui ty personal communication users almost everywhere on Earth. The inter- confide links in those projects use microwave radiation as the carrier. Free-space optical communication mingled with satellites networked together kindle make possible high-speed communication between different places on Earth. Some advantages of an optical communication system over a microwave communication system in free space are (1) smaller sizing and weight, (2) less transmitter power, (3) larger bandwidth, and (4) higher resistance to interference.The pointing from unitary satellite to another is a complicated problem due to the large distance between the satellite, the narrow diaphysis divergence angle, and shaking of the pointing system. Such vibration of the transmitted quill in the liquidator plane decreases the average received signal, which mitigaters the bit error rate. We critique (1) the present perspective of satellite networks, (2) developing efforts of optical satellite communicat ion around the world, (3) performance results of vibration effects on different kinds of optical communication satellite networks, and (4) seven approaches to catch the problems caused by transmitter pointing vibrationmethodological analysisThis paper aims to investigate the design and the benefits of apply laser communication technology. Operation from a low earth orbit (LEO) platform (e.g., the International Space Station) would depart infection of single p blueons and pairs of entangled photons to ground post and hence permit quantum communication applications such as quantum cryptography on a global denture. Integration of a outset generating entangled photon pairs and single-photon detection into existing optical terminal designs is feasible. Even more, major subunits of the undefiled terminals such as those for pointing, acquisition, and tracking as well as those providing the required electronic, thermal, and structural backb superstar and only(a) can be able so as to meet the quantum communication terminal needs.Results and DiscussionCommon uses for lasers in sensing include determining circumstantial location information that radar and handed-down sighting systems for kinetic weapons a same(p) rifles and missiles cannot provide. When victimization lasers with a weapon system theyre a complement to kinetic systems, explains Michael Rinn, vice president of the Boeing Co. Directed Energy Systems separate in Albuquerque, N.M. lasers offer an advantage of cost-per-shot, clearcutness ranging, and precision pointing, Rinn continues. From tercet, four, or five kilometers past a laser can tension on a moving cross precisely. Radar and gun systems are nowhere near the kinds of ranges were demonstrating. Of course, lasers arent a replacement for any(prenominal) system, solely they march to compliment systems by providing additional information. kindling detection and ranging (LIDAR) is one of the primary ship canal lasers can sense object s and movement. LIDAR can constrain images by bouncing lasers off a target.Narrow-beam lasers enable LIDAR to detect images where other sensors could not, such as finding objects in heavy foliage or finding strike distances, heights, chemical compounds, and atmospheric composition. LIDAR not exactly provides this information, but also can kip down still images in three dimensions. Given sufficient processing power, lasers also can render moving images that look like videos. Scientists require used LIDAR to guide enervate aerial vehicles (UAVs), including an AH-6 unmanned Little madam light helicopter gunship, through areas with obstacles. LIDAR provides the precision necessary for autonomous pi spileing, a hot commodity at a time when UAVs require at least one operator.The AH-6 is a military version of the MD 500 light helicopter. As with any advancing technology especially one that involves as much computation as laser technology does the size of laser systems has shrunk t o sizes that were unimaginable when they were first introduced. Were perceive leaps and bounds in the technology, says Boeings Rinn. Sizes baffle gone down from racks to credit-card size youre seeing a visual sense of faulting in the industry. Early-model laser systems were big, awkward, and used withal much power to make them matteral for vehicles. Todays lasers, however, can fit in small boxes and can be parts of UAV payloads, fixed-site perimeter-security systems, helicopters, and ground vehicles.Laser limitationsLaser sensing does swallow a weakness, when compared to other kinds of sensors. Heavy rain, really bad go conditions, and sandstorms, cause problems for lasers, explains Boeings Rinn. Adverse digest conditions prevent laser light from arrive at its target. Even heat waves can gloss the laser beam and lead to away or lost data. Fortunately, in that location is a way around atmospheric issues with lasers. The reply to this problem is an atmospheric- wages se nsor that uses a low-power beam in the first place correcting itself.The now-discontinued Airborne Laser (ABL) program, for example, sent out a low-power laser forwards firing its powerful chemical laser. The low-power laser measured atmospheric distortion between the aircraft and its target, and used that information to calibrate the laser weapon to put the most heartiness possible on target. atmospheric compensation enables the use of lasers even in savage environments that would render uncorrected laser sensors useless. atmospheric compensation does not allow lasers to function in in particular bad conditions, however. Atmospheric distortion happens when air authorizeds or befoulment bends light, and is the phenomenon that makes the stars at night count to twinkle. Lasers for communicationsFiber-optic cable has seen massive improvements in the past decade. With potential data rates that reach data rates of terabits per second, lasers can move wide quantities of data m ore securely than other forms of communications. Lasers are impervious to electromagnetic interference (EMI), do not emit throw signals like RF heftiness does, and fiber lasers are satisfyingly lighter than horseshit cable. Fiber-optic cable Is lighter, faster, smaller has no EMI and doesnt cause sparks, explains John Lee, vice president of marketing at optical fiber specialist Timbercon Inc. in Lake Oswego, Ore. war fighters today have a huge appetite for data, if we dont have the type of bandwidth fiber provides we wont be giving our war fighters everything we can. Lasers also have been used in communications without optical fiber. Laser communication is a very specific application satellite-to-satellite, terrestrial-to-satellite, terrestrial-to-airplane are very high bandwidth applications that lasers can do.Boeings Rinn says. Lasers can be used for communication without any cables to communicate from huge distances, particularly in space. This practice, called free-space optical communications, uses laser beams that voyage through the air, or through outmost space, instead through optical fiber, and is generating substantial industry excitement for its potential in broadband data communications. The NASA Jet propulsion Laboratory (JPL) in Pasadena, Calif., in fact, has created its own free-space optical communications research group. more information on the NASA group is online at Free-space optical communications send lasers operating(a) at wavelengths not visible to the gay eye to receivers for high-bandwidth line-of-sight communications. The benefit of free-space optical communication over radio receiver signals is clear.Free-space optical communication does not experience interference from radio waves and is nearly impossible for an enemy to hold on or disrupt. Free-space optical communication is particularly applicable to inter-satellite communications because it is relatively interference-free, offers give away connections than RF signa ls, and travels for longer ranges. Lasers provide high-bandwidth communications links between satellites, deep-space probes, and orbiting telescopes using lasers, lenses, and mirrors, these connections allow for fast communication with receivers and transmitters. Some space-based free-space optical communications links operate reliably millions of miles apart.Inter-satellite communications links can send and receive data that are exponentially larger than RF signals can provide, opus using less power. NASAs own project, the Laser communications Relay Demonstration, seeks to prove the long-term viability of free-space optical communication and outgrowth current inter-satellite data rates by as much as a hundred times greater than current RF communication allows. The Laser Communications Relay Demonstration will be holding preliminary design review in 2013, with ground testing starting line in 2014. The project will hence fly as a commercial-grade satellite payload in 2016. comi ng(prenominal) laser technologyLaser technology has yet to mature, and many enhancements are left hand to be made. Everything lasers can do before long is still improving at a rapid rate and new techniques to improve lasers are still in the works. unmatched such new technique is beam combination, which blends several laser streams into one high-voltage beam. There are a lot of people chasing combining laser beams, says Boeings Rinn. Theres a lot of research and technology growth sacking on there. Researchers are taking three approaches to combine laser beams spectral beam combining, coherent beam combining and polarization beam combining. Each approach has its own uses, benefits, and downsides. The goal of beam combining is to increase laser power and brightness to enable long-distance communications and laser weapons. gibe combining techniquesPolarization beam combining blends two linearly polarized laser beams one vertically polarized and the other horizontally polarized. T hese beams move to a thin-film polarizer so that one is reflected and the other transmitted, forcing both beams to propagate in the equal direction. This creates an unpolarized beam with almost the same optical power as the two input beams combined, and with the same beam quality. Brightness similarly increases. Polarized beam combining does not scale power, however, because the unpolarized outfit cannot go through the same process. It is expected that beam-combined laser systems will in the near future reach output power levels of tens to hundreds of kilowatts, Paschotta says. Possible applications of such systems are in the military sector in the context of anti-missile and other directed energy laser weapons. There are also possibilities for long-distance free-space optical communication and laser-based manufacturing. terminationIn the free-space laser communication there is sometimes a strong need for reduction of the diffraction spot size in the far field. In this paper, in stead of the example of the larger size aperture lens in the free-space laser communication system, we introduce diffractive superresolution technology to design and fabricate a sporty pure- kind plate for realizing the smaller spot size than the usual Airy spot size, which can decrease the weight and size of the emitting lens. We have reason 2, 3, 4, 5 circulation zones for optimizing the highest energy capsule (Strehl ratio) with the constraint of the First zero ratio value G=0.8.Numerical results demonstrate that the 2- or 3-circular zone pure- point plate can yield the highest Strehl ratio (S0.59) with the constraint of G=0.8, but the 4, 5 circular zone binary phase (0,) plates are calculated to yield the result ofS0.57 with G=0.8. We have fabricated 2- and 3-circular zone binary phase plate with binary optics technology. Finally, we have schematic an experimental system for simulation of the free-space laser communication to verify the advantage of the superresolution ph ase plate. Detailed experiments are presented. Factories use sensors to batten product quality. The advent of cell phones and eternal communications with satellites has raised demands for unwrap communications. The transoceanic fiber cables that sit at the potty of the ocean, coupled with data demands that almost double yearly give thanks to the explosion of stream video has also led to more and more research being performed on optimizing optical communications and optics in general. acknowledgementForemost, I would like to express my dear gratitude to my Teacher Madam Marlita delos Santos for the continuous support of my study, for his patience, motivation, enthusiasm, and immense knowledge. His guidance helped me in all the time.I could not have imagined having a better advisor and mentor for my study.Besides my Teacher, I would like to thank the rest of my teachers in Lope de Vega National High school for their encouragement, insightful comments, and hard questions.My si ncere thanks also goes to my parent for their support and ever-living love to me so I can finish the secondary learning and I may able to achieve my dreams and ambitions.I thank my fellow Classmates, school mates, and friends for the impact discussions, for the sleepless nights we were working together before deadlines, and for all the fun we have had in the last four years.Last but not the least I would like to thank God for his Guidance and do for me and the World.The WriterBibliography1. Journal of Optical Networking, Vol. 4, sequel 9, pp. 549-560 (2005) 2. http// http// 4. http// M. Pfennigbauer, M. Aspelmeyer, W. Leeb, G. Baister, T. Dreischer, T. Jennewein, G. Neckamm, J. Perdigues, H. Weinfurter, and A. Zeilinger, Satellite-based quantum communication terminal employing state-of-the-art technology, J. Opt. Netw. 4, 549-560 (2005)

Analysis of Scene 2 of Blue Remembered Hills Essay

In scene 2, the audition can see a slight change of pace. This is shown through with(predicate) the lack of visible violence in this scene in similitude to the previous scene 1. The pace starts off as fidgety as the ii seven socio-economic class old boys- gibe and Willie- can b arly keep palliate but the pace hardly reaches any instant(prenominal) than this through the rest of the scene. The point in which they ar both laughing and giggling un dominancelably is the only hearty point where the pace picks up a bit. This is when the boys are both laughing about Wallace peeing on a gorse bush due to the occurrence that he thought it was on fire. The undefendable of Wallace visibly warmens the pace, as is evidence in numerous other scenes.I think the slow pace of this scene shows the actual weakness of these two boys as their dilemmas and problems at their age are partially revealed through their banter and chat. The seemingly raw rout of Donald and the beatings he recei ves at home seem to strike a misunderstood chord with the two boys but they gesture off the confusion and potential sadness and envelope themselves into another situation.This awkwardness is shown in the stage directions unaccompanied as they fall silent and the tension that they do not understand is quickly broken by more childishness, and they quickly run themselves into another little sensitive subject. The moments where there is quite a fast pace in this scene is only created by the characters purposely after they are bored and reserve nothing else to do or interesting to say. The subject of Donald is quickly followed by a purpose tally about and swooping around by the two boys to influence up the energy levels. The back and forth conversation about the Dandy and Beano gets quite obtuse for Peter and he quickly is distracted by something else more active and exciting.The characters in this scene are still both Willie and Peter and the race amongst the boys familiarly s tays the same. In the previous scene, the audience saw that Peter was dominant in the relationship and frequently craved ascendancy of it and of Willie, often with animal(prenominal) violence but in this scene, he no longer results to this and uses his words more to cajole Willie into cogent him where the jam jars are.Willie also still seems to have the speeding hand in the argument though as he knows all the learning Peter wants to get. Because of this, Peter has to still be moderately controlled in how he acts towards Willie to get the location of the jam jars out of him. This surprising control Willie has is evident as when Peter at once again threatens Willie with physical violence-his fist- he sees that this may all told blow his chance of getting any cultivation so he rethinks and offers him his Dandy. Willie is now in control as he shows to Peter that he doesnt care and that he could buy his own comic. This under-valued control that Willie has is still present in sce ne 2 and similarly continues on in the play.Concluding, there is polished change of pace and characters in Scene 2 but not on a bighearted scale. The pace is slowed down visibly from Scene 1 as there is not as much(prenominal) playing about and fighting between the two characters. Apart from the stage directions in Scene 1 where it clearly verbalize if they were moving and what actions they were doing if they were talking, this was no stated in Scene 2, therefore, I have no choice but to assume most if their conversation was given mostly in stationary mode. in that respect was no real change in characters in Scene 2 other than the fact that In scene 1, Peter was triumphant in his method acting of physical beating to get Willie to give him the apple and in scene 2, Willie was triumphant in his familiarity of information to keep a secret the information about the jam jars but that was only really successful because of the distraction of the squirrel.