Monday, February 17, 2020

Intigrating technology in the EFL classroom Essay

Intigrating technology in the EFL classroom - Essay Example Report indicates that about 70% of education funding in Israel comes from the central government while the remaining 30% comes from cities and other sources. This was in a show of the government’s commitment to educating its people to be literate for prosperity and development. So far, Israel has been registering an increase in the number of students enrolling for classes at different levels. Latest report indicates that Israel has about 1.8 million students from pre-school to high school level (Newman, 2012). This is an indication of the country’s commitment to high literacy level. This number also continues to increase as the population continues to grow. Even though teaching Israelis to be literate is a key priority of the Netanyahu administration, it is also the most challenging area in the country’s education system. This is attributable to the changing nature of the classroom. Research indicates that the classroom environment has undergone radical changes i n the 21st century (Cordova and Lepper, 1996). For instance, Israel has experienced an influx of immigrants from immigrants in the country from all over the world. This has resulted in an increase of a large number of people in the country who are not able to speak or write the English language, which is the country’s national language. The fact that a large population of the country cannot speak, read, or writes the English language is posing a huge challenge to teachers in the country. It is an acknowledgeable fact that becoming proficient in a foreign language is very difficult and can be daunting. As a result, a large number of people in the country who do not understand the English language normally find it difficult learning a new language since the English language is new to them (Jonassen, 2000). Therefore, in order for such students to learn and become proficient in the English language, they must be supported as much as possible. Teachers who have had the opportunit y to teach students learning English as their second language understand that such students require language support for their language acquisition. To say that students learning English as their second language have attained the level of proficiency required, they must be able, not only to hear and write the English language, but to speak and read the English language well. However mush this might be a daunting task; we strongly believe that integrating technology such as the use of computers can play a crucial part in increasing a student’s grades in the English language. This discourse examines how the integration of computer-assisted instruction (CAI) can be an important tool for teaching new learners of English language. In addition, the paper will explore the gains that have resulted from the use of computer-assisted instruction in teaching the English language to new learners. Literature Review Verbal Interaction Interaction between new English language learners and th ose who are proficient in English language is key in promoting proficiency in English language. As such, teachers of English language need to provide students learning English as a second language, a language-rich environment where they can continuously engage in the English la

Monday, February 3, 2020

Response To Peter Pans Text Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Response To Peter Pans Text - Essay Example The heterosexual desire is seen in the interaction of the two as they are overly sexualized. The focused light is although contrasted later in the scene due to lack of pigmentation in Peter's face when he is losing the fight in the last battle with Hook. The play displays the use of lighting to indicate different character’s feelings. In the romantic scene with Wendy, sexual stimulation and excitement are shown by the use of color red, while blue lighting reflects unhappiness and the lack of sexual stimulation. The play is revealing shades and colors since it is lit to resemble daylight before the entrance of Peter. When the two male protagonists start to fight the set is changed into a dark shade of red. The lighting also changes in the play highlighting Hook’s face to be red indicating his excitement. This happens when he’d realized he was beating Peter in the emotional game through verbally announcing his anxieties and fears, while Peter’s face was in a dull shade of blue showing his sadness. However, this changes when he battled Peter to the ground as the color changed to blue showing compassion. The play implicates a deeper connectional meaning to their fight, emotional attachments to each other, instead of the original version of good and evil. It shows that they are incomplete and have secret desires for companionship. The play shows the attempt by Disney in fighting or trying to eliminate the homosocial aspects present in Barrie's work out of the culture media.