Monday, September 30, 2019

My Grub Box

When Vivian Johnson decided to pursue a college education, it was not because her parents didn’t attend college, it was because she wanted to be in a position of control. She knew that college was her ticket to getting the qualifications needed for the career she envisioned. In â€Å"My Grub Box,† Vivian Johnson recalls her college experience moving from Emmonak, Alaska to the East Coast Ivy League School Dartmouth. Taken completely out of her native environment of the Yup’ik Eskimos, she details a certain adaptation to gain understanding of her perspective.Vivian Johnson’s â€Å"grub box† created a signpost for her way of life through the realization that culture is inseparable from being native. The main aspect that set Vivian Johnson apart from other students at Dartmouth is her experiences as a member of a native Eskimo family. Johnson begins her memoir with a description of the function of a grub box and what it has meant for members of her fam ily. On hunting and camping trips she would use her grub box to pack food and supplies to survive, but her grub box that helped her through college contained much more than physical items.She used intangible things that were passed on from her parents, like a sense of identity and how to survive in different surroundings. (Johnson, 201) Another reason that Johnson didn’t fit into the â€Å"normal† student population at Dartmouth, was the fact that she didn’t come from a socially advantaged family compared to many of the other students. She could not relate to many of the other students experiences simply because her family didn’t take exotic trips or have fancy clothing, jewels, and cars.Not only was Johnson different from other students because of her possessions and experiences, but she also had a different perspective and was used to a different way of thinking. She found it difficult to understand her government professor because she had not been expo sed to that way of thinking before. Also, she at first had trouble discussing certain topics with her classmates such as the â€Å"concepts of land, substinence hunting, and fishing. † Eventually, she had began to anticipate questions about why she didn’t fit in so she formulated answers to better describe her way of life. Johnson, 207) Upon her arrival at Dartmouth, Vivian Johnson realized that she was completely out of her environment. Her grub box helped her transition allowing her to adapt to college life and enabled her to slowly orient herself on her new landscape. She was outside her environment both physically and intellectually. Everything was foreign to her, from the smell and type of trees, wildlife on campus, and formation of the stars, to riding in a taxi for the first time, Vivian needed to adapt to her surroundings in order to survive.The food she received from her grandpa helped her physically because she wasn’t used to the type of food served at Dartmouth, but the intangible qualities served a greater purpose. Those qualities formed a type of support system for Vivian that connected her to her roots as a way to remind her of her culture and heritage in order to combat the overwhelming pressures she faced in this cultural submersion. While Johnson described many of the hardships she had during her time at Dartmouth, she did manage to find a place where she was accepted for who she was and where she came from.When she joined Native American at Dartmouth, Vivian was helped not only academically, but also with small tasks that made her life easier, such as mail, food, and housing. She became part of a social network that appreciated her and considered her to be one in their group, even though she wasn’t Native American. By finding similarities between herself and the other members of Native Americans at Dartmouth, Johnson was able to connect with them because they had similar life experiences. She valued this support gr oup of friends so much, that she credits them for her graduation from Dartmouth. (Johnson, 209)Upon graduation from Dartmouth, Johnson describes her exit â€Å"just as perplexing as her entrance. † (Johnson, 209) Adaptation plays a huge role in Johnson’s survival attending college with different cultures. In the end, Vivian Johnson’s experiences she gained at Dartmouth from adapting further adds to her â€Å"grub box† enabling her to branch out to individuals in her adult life. The adaptation in Vivian Johnson’s memoir made it easy for me to relate to her story of going away to college. When I arrived at the University of Wisconsin-Madison there was a sudden sense of culture shock. Also, being on our own when your parents were the ones to feed you, take you places, and lend you money when needed, definitely leaves you to fend for yourself. Adapting to my new environment was no fun but is definitely an experience of having to adapt in order to accom plish new goals and â€Å"fit in. † I realized that everyone has a different set of tools in their â€Å"grub box† from adapting to new experiences and when exchanged, form a more global perspective of race in the Unites States. Therefore, Vivian Johnson’s adaptation to reality serves as a launching pad for individuals to engage in difficult conversations about race.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Yahoo – Strategic Management Analysis

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Yahoo! Inc. , over its journey of almost 17 years has become the world’s largest online network integrated services provider with users exceeding 500 million in numbers worldwide (Yahoo FAQ, 2012). It has a presence in more than twenty markets and regions across the globe and is best known for its search engine and host of other services like finance, e-mail, advertising and social media. Yahoo! Inc. was started as a personal website directory by two doctorate candidates at Stanford University named David Filo and Jerry Yang.Filo and Yang realized the potential of generating revenue from their web directory by allowing companies to advertise their products on their online directory. Soon, Yahoo was notable enough to gain the attention of Sequoia capital, a venture capital firm. Sequoia provided much needed capital to Yahoo and Tim Koogle, a Motorola executive was hired as Yahoo’s Chief Executive Officer. Koogle’s excellent management skills and vision took Yahoo to the new heights of success i. . Yahoo! Inc. ’s stock price rose from $5 a share to almost $244 a share in 1999 (Jones, 2007) However, despite the leadership that the company enjoyed in its initial years, the company over the past years seems be losing market share to its arch rival Google Inc. Google has been outdoing Yahoo for the past many years now, gaining market share and increasing its customer base manifolds. Over the course of past few years, Yahoo! Inc. ade a slew of changes in its objectives, business model and to its external, internal environment and strategy to shore up its performance and regain lost ground to its main competitor Google. Herein, we shall take a close look at some of such factors through defining the company’s mandate, internal analysis as well as external analysis. INTRODUCTION The company under consideration Yahoo! Inc. (referred to hereinafter as â€Å"Yahoo†) is one of the world’s largest online netwo rk integrated services provider with a combined user base in excess of 500 million.Yahoo provides a whole host of network based services, however over its existence of past 17 years, many such similar service providers have shored up especially after the dot com boom. Some of these new players took the path of specializing in a particular form of service while others brought a whole gamut of new services with the old ones. World Wide Web has grown exponentially over the past years giving rise to the intense rivalry between companies involved. This intense rivalry especially with the likes of Google is one of the biggest challenges for Yahoo.In this case study, we try to first understand the backdrop in which the company is operating including its mission and vision for the future, its ultimate goals and philosophy regarding its business, its business model, external analysis based on Porter’s five forces model and finally internal analysis based on distinctive competencies, c ompetitive advantage and profitability. This document is prepared based on the information provided in the case, â€Å"Yahoo† (Jones, 2007) as well as numerous external sources such as Yahoo’s website and its annual reports circa 2011. COMPANY OVERVIEWYahoo was incorporated as an Internet service provider that would serve both the users and the businesses globally. Yahoo was founded by two Stanford PhD candidates in January 1994 named Jerry Yang and David Filo. However, today Yahoo has become one of the world’s largest global online network integrated services provider. Yahoo today has a user base of 500 million per month. It has a presence in more than 30 countries worldwide and provides services in more than twenty different languages. The company presently operates out of Sunnyvale, California in the United States.Yahoo first went public on the NASDAQ (YHOO) in the April of 1996. The stock had opened for $ 13. 00 per share of the company and by the very dayâ €™s end; it had reached a closing of $ 33. 00 per share (Yahoo Overview, 2012). In Dec 1999 the company was also added to the S&P 500 index. Recently, in early 2012, Yahoo had appointed Scott Thompson as the new CEO who was then replaced by Marissa Mayer in the month of May (Perez, 2012). Also in June 2012, the company also hired the former director at Google, Michael Barrett, as its Chief Revenue Officer.In April 2012, the company announced a cut of about 14 % of its workforce. This was expected to save the company around $ 375 million annually and is scheduled to be completed by end of this year (Liedtke, 2012). MANDATE The mandate of a company sheds light on why it exists, what it hopes to achieve in reference to the expectations of the stakeholders. Yahoo changed it mission statement from just â€Å"focusing on being a search portal† to â€Å"want to connect people to their passion, communities and world’s knowledge† (Baker, 2007).Yahoo’s mission Statement refers to the fact that the company envisages to achieve two major objectives; first one is to provide personal digital experience to their customers so that they remain happy doing things they like especially in the web and secondly to provide a unique way to the advertiser to connect to the consumers and help to build their business (Yahoo FAQ, 2012). In simple terms, as Yahoo enables people to connect with their passion in various fields i. e. sports, music etc. , it will in turn provide Yahoo with an excellent opportunity to generate advertising revenue from music and sports companies etc.The core values of the company provide a sense of direction that the company adheres to and the way it is going to do it, and the goals it wishes to achieve via the same. The company on its website has outlined six Core values that drive the company forward. These are namely (Yahoo Values, 2004). a. Excellence: The Company mentions of it always seeking quality and knowing that the suc cess should never be taken for granted and hence learn from own mistakes. b. Innovation: The Company believes in creativity and is ready to adapt to change in market trends and respond with calculated and responsible steps. c.Customer Fixation: The Company is always looking to maintain the trust of the customers and respond to the customers need and try to exceed them. d. Teamwork: The Company believes in and tries to encourage the best of the ideas from the entire organization and to foster collaboration and yet maintain individual accountability. e. Community: The Company seeks to serve both communities globally and the Internet Community as a whole in general. f. Fun: The Company also possesses a sense of humour and believe that the same is essential to the success of the company and also do appreciate and celebrate their achievement.From the aforementioned Core Values and the present scenario of the company, it seems Yahoo’s main challenge is keep up with its two very imp ortant core values namely Innovation and Customer Fixation which are integral for it to be the market leader in web portal industry. The main stakeholders of Yahoo are; its stockholders that invest their capital in the company, customers that use Yahoo’s web portal, advertisers that market their products through Yahoo’s online services and employees who provide it intellectual capacity leading to the creation of innovative new online products and services.Yahoo’s employees want a fair, ethical treatment and a stable job, advertisers expect to connect to their market segment by advertising on Yahoo, customers want enjoyable and innovative products that make their daily life easier and most importantly stock holders have an expectation that Yahoo will pursue strategies that increase company’s revenue and profitability maximizing shareholder value. EXTERNAL ANALYSIS COMPETITIVE FORCESYahoo operates in â€Å"the Internet products, services, and content marke ts, which are highly competitive and characterized by rapid change, emerging and converging technologies, and increasing competition† and that their most significant competition is from â€Å"Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and AOL (Yahoo 10K, 2011). Yahoo is a part of web portal industry where revenue generation is dependent on online advertising which in turn requires a large number of user base to generate any significant revenue.Advertisers prefer to advertise their products through web portals that have a large user base and offer products and tools which help them reach their target audience. In web portal industry, degree of rivalry amongst competitors is quite high, competitors compete aggressively against each other through innovative new product offerings and/or by lowering prices for advertising but Product differentiation is becoming increasingly difficult due to the fact that over the years industry has gone through consolidation and main players such as Google, Yah oo, MSN etc. ave gained a significant amount of market share creating an oligopoly. Industry has entered a mature stage in the western hemisphere such as Europe and North America but a lot of potential is available in emerging markets of Asia and South America where it is in growth stage. Due to the nature of internet, entry in to the web portal industry is relatively easy but based on the amount of capital, innovative skills and technological knowledge required to attract and maintain a large user base in the web portal industry, the threat of new entrants that can compete directly with Yahoo is quite low.Yahoo does charge some fees for certain premium services but generally its main services such as email and search are free of cost which is common amongst competitors in web portal industry. The range of services offered in web portal at little or no cost means that switching cost for users is quite low. Buyers also include those advertisers who would buy ad space on the website. Even though Yahoo’s revenue stream is not concentrated at any individual advertiser or user but low switching costs for users combined with the intense rivalry in the industry to gain advertisers puts bargaining power of the buyers at medium.Yahoo’s search engine essentially is a mechanism that provides users with an ability to search through content present on the internet. This content is freely available on the internet for Yahoo to collect and categories hence supplier power for Yahoo’s search engine is quite low. Web portal industry in which Yahoo operates does not have a lot of substitutes. Some possible substitutes for Yahoo’s products and services are; postal service is substitute of Yahoo’s e-mail service, financial newspapers are a substitute for Yahoo’s financial section, etc. but most importantly there are no efficient substitutes for search engines on web portal industry in both online or offline world. Because of the lack of ef ficiency of substitutes to products and services offered by web portal industry, the threat of substitutes is low. Recently Web portal industry has gained a possible complementor in the form of latest smart phones with high speed mobile internet access which gives user an ability to be online at any place at any given time. Smart phone technology combined with the web portal industry gives both parties involved a better opportunity to satisfy customer demands.MACRO ENVIRONMENT Aforementioned analysis was based on Porter’s five forces model which is subject to macro-environment. We shall now analyse different forces in the macro-environment. Economic conditions might affect Yahoo as it derives most of its revenue from businesses and individuals who advertise their products and services on the internet. Any slump in the economic growth may lead to a reduction in advertising budget of businesses which will eventually affect Yahoo. In the emerging markets such as those in Asia an d South America, Yahoo is presented with an excellent opportunity to expand its business.Along with the opportunity, Yahoo may also face stiff competition in emerging markets such as China where local competitors have gained considerable market share i. e. Baidu, Inc. in China has 63% of the market share and is Yahoo’s main competitor in that region (Barboza, 2010). Political and legal forces tend to affect businesses operating in the web portal industry especially in the emerging markets. Regulations on the internet service providers generally vary from country to country i. e. in certain countries local providers enjoy special protection through regulations giving them competitive advantage over Yahoo.Yahoo was successfully sued in France for its failure to keep Nazi memorabilia off its Web pages as it is considered a crime in France (Claburn, 2006) and in 2010 Google pulled out of China after failing to negotiate with Chinese government (Carlson, 2010). Internet is a rapid ly growing industry, and with low barriers to entry and low switching costs, technological forces heavily influence Yahoo. With the advent of new technologies, competition and rivalry between players in web portal industry is likely to be more intense driving down revenues as a result.Development in technology may give rise to newer forms of advertising media which can potentially take away revenue from Yahoo. Yahoo mainly operates in the online world and number of users with access to internet is growing rapidly and user base in the developed countries is very well spread out across all demographics. More and more people in the developing countries are getting access to the internet which is likely an opportunity for Yahoo. INTERNAL ANALYSIS We shall now discuss the internal environment of the company and how can it have any sort of material impact on the performance of the company.The internal Analysis of the company would include the distinctive competencies of the company, the c ompetitive advantage and the profitability of the company. The first and foremost distinctive competency of the company is the ability to enable people relate to their passion. This is as per Yahoo’s mission statement and is also reflective in the product portfolio. The company is probably the leader in the industry in terms of the number of services and products that the company offers. This range of product offering has not been observed to be present with the other competitors i. e. Flickr, a omprehensive imaging database, Yahoo Finance provides accurate financial Data in almost real time, etc. The second distinctive competency of the company is the brand name of the company, which has helped it retain its users despite its consistent problem in bringing new innovative products like its competitors Google and Facebook. The third and most important is the efficiency of Yahoo marketing services and its ability to attract customers and publishers. Since its beginning the busi ness model of Yahoo has been heavily reliant on contextual advertising and offering premium services.And this segment of business of Yahoo has still kept it in business. And not to forget the next competency of the company is its famous search and portal. Though the search algorithm used by the company has gradually been updated to the changing demographics of the business, but still some work needs to be done on it to make it a sheer strength for the company. Yahoo still possesses some competitive advantage as compared to its rivals. Firstly, Yahoo’s directory is very well-structured and authenticated business library and it can be developed and customized to act as a new and good source of revenue.Second is the ability of Yahoo to provide customized and contextual advertising. Another very important competitive advantage of the company is the hold of Yahoo in the mobile segment with its auxiliary products and even partnerships with third party service providers. And probabl y last but not the least is the employees of the company, who proved tremendous support, and technical knowhow, that helps Yahoo shore up with customized solutions for its customers and also help in maintain a virtually glitch/hassle free website quality.As far as profitability is concerned, this is something that has not been going right for the company. Over the past four quarters, the company has not seen any significant growth in its revenue and has in fact witnessed a decline in the operating profitability due to a rise in non-recurring expenses (Yahoo Income Statement, 2012). However since the new CEO took over in the month of July, she has embarked on a new strategy of Brownfield expansion via the M&A route and other critical decisions, that is set â€Å"to revive growth and boost profitability† which is a very positive and ncouraging news for investors (Womack, 2012). Yahoo’s decision to hire executives Michael Barret as a CFO and Marissa Mayer as a CEO seems t o show that Yahoo understands the threat that Google poses as both Barret and Mayer were executive at Google prior to joining Yahoo. From the above analysis, it seems that the company is better poised on its internal environment than external environment. And it needs to improvise on its assets and brand to shore up its market share and performance.Yahoo’s recent layoff of 14% of its work force seems to be beginning of new strategy of refocusing the company towards its core competencies, product innovation and growth. REFERENCES Yahoo FAQs. (2012). Investors FAQs. Retrieved from http://yhoo. client. shareholder. com/faq. cfm Jones, G. R. (2007). Yahoo. In C. W. L. Hill & G. R. Jones (Eds. ), Strategic Management An Integrated Approach (8th ed. , pp. C102-C114). Boston, NY: Houghton Mifflin Company. Yahoo Overview. (2012). Overview. Retrieved from http://pressroom. yahoo. net/pr/ycorp/overview. aspx Perez, J. C. (2012, 07 16).Yahoo picks google's marissa mayer as ceo. Macworld , Retrieved from http://www. macworld. com/article/1167728/yahoo_picks_googles_marissa_mayer_as_ceo. html Liedtke, M. (2012, 04 04). New yahoo CEO Scott Thompson cuts 2,000 jobs The Christian Science Monitor, Retrieved from http://www. csmonitor. com/Innovation/Latest-News-Wires/2012/0404/New-Yahoo-CEO-Scott-Thompson-cuts-2-000-jobs Baker, L. (2010). Yahoo ; google’s mission statements: Do they connect?. Search Engine Journal, Retrieved from http://www. searchenginejournal. com/yahoo-googles-mission-statements-do-they-connect/4924/Yahoo Values. (2004). Yahoo! we value. Retrieved from http://docs. yahoo. com/info/values/ Yahoo 10K. (2011, 12 31). Yahoo 10k Annual Report. Retrieved from http://files. shareholder. com/downloads/YHOO/2120211742x0xS1193125-12-86972/1011006/filing. pdf Barboza, D. (2010, 01 13). Baidu’s gain from departure could be china’s loss. The NewYork Times. Retrieved from http://www. nytimes. com/2010/01/14/technology/companies/14baidu. html? _ r=1 Claburn, T. (2006, 01 13). Yahoo loses lawsuit over nazi memorabilia sale. Information Week, Retrieved from http://www. informationweek. om/yahoo-loses-lawsuit-over-nazi-memorabili/177100347 Carlson, N. (2010, 03 22). Breaking: Google pulls out of china. Business Insider, Retrieved from http://articles. businessinsider. com/2010-03-22/tech/29990556_1_google-com-hk-google-s-china-googlecn Yahoo Income Statement. (2012). Income statement. Retrieved from http://in. finance. yahoo. com/q/is? s=YHOO Womack, B. (2012, 08 10). Yahoo strategy review may result in changes to cash plans. Bloomberg, Retrieved from http://www. bloomberg. com/news/2012-08-09/yahoo-ceo-strategy-review-may-result-in-changes-to-cash-plans. html

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Final Project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Final Project - Research Paper Example For example, it would be necessary to know why one needs to put up the department, what has changed in order for the company to decide to set up the department, the functions the company wishes the department to do, and how the department will contribute to the success of the company (Mathis & Jackson, 2011). In the case of Wabash Box Company, I would first consider hiring employees with prior experience in the manufacturing field. This is vital because it would reduce cost of training required to train inexperienced employees. I would also consider analysing categories of jobs required by the company in order to evenly distribute the 150 employees. To set up human resource department, I would also be required to set up a recruitment and selection team that will be mandated to hire new employees. Selection criteria will of course be determined by the working environment in Franklin, and this should go in line with the culture of Tennessee. Since the company needs to develop and offer distinct or quality corrugated containers, I would also strategically consider designing a career development plan, which will among other functions include training of the employees in order to develop and advance their skills. This should also go hand in hand with a strategy to maintain human resource. Question two: most appealing function of HR My most appealing HR management is employees motivating. Obtaining employees is one thing, and retaining them is a different thing all together. Retention of employees, however, requires a combination of multiple concepts. One and most obvious is as the function states â€Å"motivating†. There are various incentives and strategies of motivating employees. These need to be taken seriously as they may lead to employees leaving for another motivating organization or company, thus lose of credible asset to the company, which translates to loss of business (Mathis & Jackson, 2011). The articles I selected involves employees motivating. The argument in articles is about how to address the issue of employees when they tell their bosses that they are leaving the organization. A number of issues are raised in this argument, but, which all revolve around the issue of employees motivating. The problem arising is that these news may be surprising to the boss since it means losing that the employee would lead to lose of business. To some extent, the problem could be related to the boss refusal to motivate his or her employees, and probably the reason could be the organization could not be in a position to do so. The key point is that addressing employee’s salary should involve ensuring that they are market worth. The issue of employees motivating can be applied in academic and also professional career by a way of putting measures of employee’s retention into practice. Research on employees motivating can be of great importance to students, since this would help them dig deep in order to have an in-depth unde rstanding of the phenomena. Question three: 100 Best Companies to Work For Companies that I would like to work for: i. Google, The Boston Consulting Group, and SAS Institute a. Google’s mission is â€Å"to organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful† (Google Company, 2012, 1). Google has a vast of jobs to offer ranging from sales and account management, product and customer service, administrative and many more. According to what Google displays on its career

Friday, September 27, 2019

Purchasing & Supply Chain Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Purchasing & Supply Chain Management - Essay Example This article shall focus on the matters regarding the competitive edge in the industry with respect to the group’s purchasing and supply chain management. Body Purchasing and supply chain management entails the performance and coordination of numerous activities that takes place both inside and outside an organisation. Research reveals that besides the supply chain that exists within an organisation, there has to be at least one supply chain with another organization. Further, studies reveal that â€Å"the structure of activities within and between companies is a critical cornerstone of creating unique and superior supply chain performance† (Lambert 2005). For Blacks Leisure Group to have an effective purchasing and supply chain management, key players of the chain should be incorporated with the business processes. The company’s processes should be standardised to ensure that there is harmony in linking up processes by purchase and supply chain managers of diffe rent organisations. As earlier mentioned, Leisure industry is very competitive and like any other business in the leisure industry, it is critical for Blacks to develop and sustain competitive advantage. To begin with, Leisure companies throughout the world are now facing enormous challenges because of the globalisation as a result of the enhanced connectivity brought about by the improved technology and the use of internet in doing business. Consequently, Blacks is currently facing very stiff competition from companies from the rapidly industrialised nations like the United States and those from Asian continent. These rival companies, most of which began less than two decades ago, are now tapping into the Blacks market in their quest to spread out their operation base. This may be mainly attributed to more efficient customer service and better distribution channels, networks and transportation as well as enhanced inventory management, material handling and effective communication o n the side of the rival companies. Initially companies were mainly concerned with their customers alone. However, it is rather obvious that the markets have now evolved and Blacks need to change its approach accordingly. Considering that competition may have dire effects on the group like profit declines and being driven out of the business, efforts should be geared towards effective management of their brands and setting up proper market positions. The modern society is a â€Å"now society† in that just like other customers, leisure consumers also want services and products instantly and in the most convenient means possible. As a result, majority of the customers have opted for internet business involving online transactions and thus abandoning tangible companies such as the Blacks Leisure Group. To remain relevant and profitable in the market, Blacks should exploit more on the online business given that marketing environment has changed substantially. Companies that have v entured into online marketing are now posing real competition to Black’s market and are in fact threatening to force them out of the business. It is therefore critical for the Blacks to uphold competitive edge over the online companies by broadening its distribution base in an economical manner, a strategy which is utilised by the rival compani

Thursday, September 26, 2019

What did the War of 1812, in terms of the international community, Essay

What did the War of 1812, in terms of the international community, achieve for the United States of America - Essay Example John B. Hoey writes, â€Å"The War of 1812 has†¦.. finally won a gallant victory that validated national institutions and presaged the growth and expansion of the young Republic.†(Hoey) Congress declared war and it was thrust upon a nation that was unprepared. Though U.S. forces were numerically superior as compared to the enemy, it was not in a position to win convincingly. Economically weak nation opted for negotiated peace to end the stalemate. American defense establishment failed and their calculations went haywire. The other consequences of war were the confirmation of the border between Canada and United States and it brought to an end the plans of America to annex Canada. With the termination of British support to the Indian tribes the prospect of Indian Confederacy ended. War revolutionized manufacturing in a big way and U.S. won the respect of the international

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Ombine the processes of consultancy and project management with people Essay

Ombine the processes of consultancy and project management with people management - Essay Example In order to understand the financial as well as human resource aspects, work breakdown structure will be drawn and budget will be analyzed for the overall project. Time constraint is the most important factor for the success of the project. Failure to deliver the project in time may have an adverse affect on the expected benefit of the project. Hence, the project has taken into consideration the time schedule and network diagram has been developed so as to analyze it. It is also important to determine the risk of the project as risk management is the significant consideration of the project. Therefore, the project will also throw light onto the risk that is associated with the project. Emperor Capital Group Limited was established in the year 1993 and is a Hong Kong based investment holding company. It has been providing various ranges of financial services to the customers. It has been facilitating the brokerage services for various products like securities, future, options, bonds that are traded on the exchanges in Hong Kong, Japan and in the US (Emperor Group, 2010). The company also provides Margin and IPO financing, as well as it has been pioneer in providing loans and other related services to its clients. It is to be noted that the brokerage business of the company has been running since last 12 years along with stable business development. In the year 1994, headquarter was moved to a newly made Emperor Group Center that was located in Wanchai, Hong Kong. Emperor Futures Limited was also established in the same year that provided investors the financial services like securities and future trading. The year 2007 was marked as the most remarkable year as Emperor Capital Group Limited got listed on the main board under the stock exchanges of Hong Kong (Corporate Information, 2010). The company maintains corporate governance and is also committed for effective accountability mechanism in every part of

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Marketing Mix Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Marketing Mix - Essay Example According to Peterson, the best way to market a brushless car washer in Terre Haute is by using the media houses, for instance, the television networks. Since television is a common property in most regions, the wash can be marketed through this means by simply airing the whole advertisement on the local television network so that people can view the operations of the device and make purchases (Peterson). As the business to business, B2B, deals with the delivery of goods and services between different business units targeting large market opportunities, business to consumer, B2C, deals with the provision of these goods and services to from the business unit to the other consumers targeting smaller customer bases. Â  Besides, as B2B operations create their identity through the personal branding often created over time following a multiple of steps, the B2C enterprises create this through long-term imagery initiated stepwise (Peterson). The factors that affect business in Terre Haute are both from within and from without and include; the national politics and legal affairs of a country which contributes in creating an enabling environment for the businesses to operate fully, the socio-economic factors such as the availability of capital as well as the people's beliefs concerning certain goods traded on which actually determines the consumer trends. The other factor is technological adoption which determines the rate and quality of the products released to the market consequently affecting the consumer trends.

Monday, September 23, 2019

English Literature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 1

English Literature - Essay Example However, in the book, the overarching them is God’s providence and His role in determining the fates of the lives of men. This has something to do with the poet’s being a Christian, and thus the element of God ruling the lives of men. This is an important point to note since this has a very strong resonance all throughout the poem. In contrast, as one critic has written online on Christian Movie Reviews, â€Å"The most striking thing about the new Beowulf movie, though, was its ugliness.† The movie showed the ugly sides of the protagonists, which were, in fact, not how they were portrayed in the original poem. Before proceeding to an analysis of the characters, I will take note of the special technique used by the moviemakers. They employed the three-dimensional (3D) animation style wherein one has to wear special 3D glasses in movie theaters to be able to have a fully-enhanced experience of the gory battle scenes and killings. For the most part, this has added to the attraction of the movie, since there have been few animated movies produced which employed this special technique. As a critic from puts it: â€Å"Beowulf is a visually captivating movie experience.† However, on the contrary, another critic disagrees by writing in her blog: â€Å"†¦this example of the latest â€Å"advance† in animation technology is sterile, synthetic, almost completely unengaging on a human level. It’s animated but inanimate.† ( The blogger simply found the way the movie has been done by Robert Zemeckis as totally devoid of real human expressions and emotions. Now, to an analysis of the characters. We begin with the identity of Grendel. In the book, it was written that he came from â€Å"Cain’s clan†, that is, to say, when Cain killed his brother Abel, it was purported that all the evil creatures which roam the earth were descendants of Cain whose sin was so vile that he could

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Health Care Careers Diagram and Summary Essay Example for Free

Health Care Careers Diagram and Summary Essay The role of the Chief Information Officer (CIO) in healthcare has become one of the main lifelines in the industry. The CIO is the most important person within an organization in regards to the collecting, organization, monitoring and securing of data. The CIO is a critical member of the executive leadership team. Charged with developing the organization’s strategy, he or she is responsible for leading the IT staff and ensuring overall compliance with all regulatory requirements. The CIO is also responsible for keeping up-to-date with the latest technology trends as well as threats and being able to adapt the organization’s strategy to mitigate those threats. The CIO also facilities and drives change within the organization (Glaser Williams, 2010). The CIO is responsible for establishing and maintaining many key relationships within an organization’s leadership team. They work to provide valuable input that helps shape the entire organization’s vision and path to success. The CIO reports consistently on the progress and development of all information technology (IT) projects, issues, and tasks. â€Å"They are the brain of the business-body, monitoring and regulating all the data that passes through. Without CIOs, a healthcare company would collapse under the weight of unprocessed information.† (Becoming a Healthcare CIO (Chief Information Officer), 2012) The CIO focuses on updating and optimizing existing systems while utilizing new systems effectively and efficiently. They are also responsible for updating and maintaining capabilities, strengthening policies and reworking procedures on a daily basis. The CIO is the front line of defense for protecting the organization against fraud and abuse, as well as securing all electronic patient health information (ePHI). The role of the CIO has evolved as the health care industry has faced changes with the dependency on  information technology. Figure 1. Chief Information Officer’s responsibilities within a health care organization. As shown in Figure 1, a health care CIO faces many challenges on a day-to-day basis. These challenges are in the form of maintaining existing systems, optimizing new systems, and protecting PHI. The role of the CIO will continue to evolve as the health care system changes and the dependency and regulations surrounding the role of information technology increase. References Becoming a Healthcare CIO (Chief Information Officer). (2012). Retrieved from Glaser, J. P., Williams, R. B. (2010). The Definitive Evolution of the Role of the CIO. Journal of Healthcare Information management, 21(1), 9-11. Retrieved from

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Tortilla Flat Essay Example for Free

Tortilla Flat Essay Tortilla Flat, written by John Steinbeck was set after World War One in a district of Monterey named Tortilla Flat. This story was about not only the less than glamorous lifestyle lived by Danny and his fellow â€Å"paisanos†, but the importance of friendship through bad times over material values. All of the major events carry with them a strong implication of this theme which is often reflected through the characters’ decisions. Along with an incredibly ironic yet powerful friendship based on morals, this story is also is about appreciating the simple things in life. Each problem encountered by this band of friends was meaningful in its own way. As a reader the most significant events and characters were Danny, his death, and Pilon. Danny began this tale from the beginning as more of a pathetic, alcoholic, useless man, but slowly progressed and evolved into a character that represented unity and leadership. He, being the owner of the two houses, was a clearly distinct leader and executive decision maker among these friends. His symbolic role in the aspect of unity is represented through the repercussions of his death. When Danny goes insane and leaves, the men still have hope he will be back and although it does not appear to be a loss without him they are truly nothing without Danny. These men carried with them throughout the whole story the importance of friendship in their conscience but voluntarily left that behind because it was obvious that they needed him. While Danny represented unity and leadership among friendship, Pilon was a symbol of good intentions and friendship as a whole. With every move Pilon made he always questioned it was a selfish choice or how he could help his friends with the money. Although his many deposits often resulted in drinking with his companions, they often started with the idea of paying rent, giving a gift, or making amends. Pilon was truly a good soul that did not have the funds to support his charitable ideas. His most charitable actions involved him recruiting new friends, but were ultimately his acts of kindness attempting to help ones in need. All of these were covered with ironically immoral decisions to do very virtuous deeds making Pilon seem more of a fool then a good man. These two were also portrayed the hardships faced after the world war. Danny and Pilon both embody this theme of friendship so greatly that the wrong they do is almost inferior to their good values in life, which were very influential to all of the characters in this novel. Unity and virtues became so ironically personified by Steinbeck through these characters to capture and portray his themes. This novel was very well written. The imagery and wording Steinbeck uses helped to visualize and connect while coherently getting across his point. Steinbeck’s purpose in writing this novel was to help to not only connect many with the struggles of the lower class, but to personify unity through very likeable characters. The purpose seemed vague until the connection to the characters grew stronger which was the start to understanding the book. His themes came across strongly and were accomplished very well. As for passages in which the theme was most established, many showed them in a more powerful way than others. As some of the last words describing not only the death of Danny, but the demise of the faithful companionship, when the house burns and the friends all go their separate ways can be best summarized as, Thus must it be, O wise friends of Danny. The cord that bound you together is cut. The magnet that drew you has lost its virtue†. Danny was truly the most important of the men although he seemingly did nothing but drink he was what held them together. With the fire beginning to start, it was symbolic of everything. The end, the friendship, Danny’s death, and unity were all so greatly symbolized by the fire. That scene perfectly isolated the themes all at once and ended the novel in a great way. Tortilla Flat would be a good read for kids starting in high school. Because the concept of the story is harder to connect to and there are many implications leading to humor, many younger than fourteen or fifteen might not understand the book. This book contains an extensive amount of imagery making it very easy to visualize and Steinbeck’s elaboration helps to make the story seem real.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Water Cost Problem in United States: Expansion and Solution

Water Cost Problem in United States: Expansion and Solution Introduction Over the past one decade, there has been an immense increase in water usage in United States of America. This is as a result of increasing population, as well as advanced development in industries and settlements, among many other reasons. The steady rise of water usage has conversely increased the cost of water in a number of states, which is now being considered as a looming problem. According to latest research, there is an increased outcry from the public domain, regarding the ever-escalating prices of acquiring water. In respect to this, there should be quick solutions into the matter, or else the nation will be burden with outrageous costs of water. Moreover, it must be understood that increased costs of providing water, leads to adverse water shortage, since few people can only afford it. However, a closer look into this situation increases the puzzle on what is the main reason behind water shortages and pollution. (Grimm, et al, 2008) Causes of water shortage and pollution There are a number of causes behind increased water shortage and pollutions; however below are some of the most substantial causes. Increase production of farming and agriculture industry Environmental experts claim that the lack of sustainable agriculture is the biggest challenge or threat to the environment. The increased farming production to counter the inefficient food production, consequentially leads to pollution, deforestation and water shortages. It is believed that agricultural industry wastes around 65% or 1450 trillion liters, of the 2500 trillion liters of water is uses per year. The poor agricultural practice is very harmful to the environment where it drains up rivers, lakes, as well as underground water sources. In return it increases soli salinity, hence degrading its quality. On the other hand, by washing pesticides and pollutants into rivers, the sources of water get polluted at the end of the day. A lot of fingers have been pointed towards leaky irrigation systems, which causes water shortages. Other processes which causes water shortage includes; the cultivation of thirsty crops; pollution by agro-chemicals, and lastly wasteful field application m ethods. However, it must be understood that the waste and pollution of water, is worsened by; poor public awareness of the crisis, misdirected subsidies, and irrational environmental legislation. (Grimm, et al, 2008) Increase in regional heavy industry Over the last decade, there has been an increase in manufacturing and production industries, in various states. This is in line with industrialization vision of America. However, these industries require a lot of water, in order to successfully operate. For instance, large volumes of water are required to cool off huge industrial machines, wash all sorts of raw materials, used as an industrial solvent, among many other uses. The sudden water demand in these industries, has conversely led to water shortage, since there was no enough water reserves to counter such challenges. Consequently, these industries are forced to scramble for the little available water, hence increasing the costs of water in return. Expansion of major cities such as Los Angeles Over the last five decades, the human population America has increased dramatically. This development has been coupled up with urbanizations, where people exploit virgin regions to build towns and settlements. Unfortunately, urbanization of places has negatively affected water ecosystems, resulting to a great loss of biodiversity. For instance, a lot of people are now living near river basins, which are subjected to water stress. With such scenarios, the concerns about water availability increases, while the use of freshwater carries on at unsustainable amounts. The increase in towns and cities, mean that there is an increase in clothing, shelter, and food which results to additional pressure on existing water sources, through the production of the products. Moreover, business and residential developments in these cities and towns puts a lot of pressure on water ecosystems, which in return does nothing but escalates water shortage levels. (Grimm, et al, 2008) Effects Increased water prices in most cities When water becomes scarce due to the aforementioned causes, the public will be forced to brace themselves for tough water prices. For instance, a region like California is experiencing excruciating water prices, due to the drought it is facing. (Seager, 2009) Since it will be costly to supply and fetch for more water due to the shortages, prices will conversely have to go up to cater for extra expenditures. Consequentially, water usage will decrease with the increase in water prices, hence being a serious challenge for America as a nation. Unequal distribution of water resources Water shortages can also be intensified by the unequal distribution of available water over time and space. On the other hand, putting more pressure on the reliable and safe water supply will lead to the government providing water resources unequally. In this case, water resources will have to be distributed in respect to priorities, in order to ensure water reaches more important sectors than others. Major cities facing problem of adapting more urban residents Urbanization normally requires increased water supply so that it can cater for residential purposes. However, the ever growing population in cities implies an increased demand for water, which puts an additional pressure on available fresh water. Since it is the responsibility of city authorities, to provide clean, safe and reliable water, it will be very strenuous to meet all these needs. This will imply that the cities will have trouble accommodating the ever-increasing city population. (Glennon, 2010) Potential biohazard situation may happen in population condensed area There is a possibility of a large population of people to be affected by biohazards, due to this whole situation. For instance, owing to the increasing urbanization and industrialization processes, most important sources of water, such as wetlands have been destroyed. Destruction of wetlands increases the possibilities of serious biohazards to occur and affect condensed populations. This is because wetlands, which are often known to offer a range of ecosystem services that benefit people, from storms, floods, will have been otherwise destroyed, hence putting lives of many in jeopardy. In addition, water shortages will lead to a serious food shortage, which will lead to increased infant mortality, as well as decreased life expectancy for population-condensed areas. Conclusion In many cases, it is always challenging to pin point the main cause of water shortage. Normally, various factors collectively cause this problem. Nonetheless, one fact America is sure of, its economy cannot stand the increasing water shortages. (Glennon, 2010) Subsequently, in order to meet the supply and demand of water, there should be a greater focus on the causes and the solutions of water supply shortages. For instance, the available water resources should be well redistributed in various states. This will ensure that water shortage is cut down, by some extent, since unequal distribution of water normally leads to this menace. For example, regions which have large water demands should be allocated with, a relatively larger water resources, so that it would curb the whole problem. As for heavy industry, a new technology should be embraced, where it will greatly cut down the usage of water. For example, cooling down of industrial machines can be replaced by use of effective fans a nd other coolant systems, instead of using excessive water. This will immensely save water, which can be used to do other equally important activities. (Bouwer, 2002) Then again, the country should also embrace sustainable agricultural practices, which will reduce the usage of water in America. For example, excessive wastage of water, through leaking irrigation systems, can be corrected by using a more cost-effective and water-conserving systems. Those states that are still planting thirsty plants should transfer these farming practices to other alternative places, which will have no effect on the country’s water volume. References Bouwer, H. (2002). Integrated water management for the 21st century: problems and solutions.Journal of Irrigation Drainage Engineering,128(4), 193-202. Glennon, R. J. (2010).Unquenchable: Americas water crisis and what to do about it. Island Press. Grimm, N. B., Faeth, S. H., Golubiewski, N. E., Redman, C. L., Wu, J., Bai, X., Briggs, J. M. (2008). Global change and the ecology of,319(5864), 756-760. Seager, R., Tzanova, A., Nakamura, J. (2009). Drought in the Southern United States: causes, variability over the last years, and the potential for future hydroclimate change.Journal of Climate,22(19), 5021-5045.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Organizational Change Essay -- Business Management

Organizational Change Organizations today are going through constant change brought about by competition, economics, business innovation and a realization that remaining stagnant may mean organizational death. As the business environment increases in complexity and changes rapidly, organization and management consequently experiences significant transformation to cope with these changes. On a micro level (company level), these changes would include the transformation of the internal corporate culture as well as enhancements in the management of human resources in response to increasing workplace diversity and the evolving needs of the workforce. Therefore, the ability to change is an important part of the organization's business environment while the ability to help it adapt to change is equally a critical business challenge for the leadership. Change is imperative Organizations can't escape change. So what is change? - It is adjustments, transformations, transitions, and revolutions which is a never-ending cycle of birth, growth and death (Topping, 2002). Change disrupts everyone's life; the only question is for how long. Leader - the change agent When an organisation is at the crossroad of change, it is in the crisis stage. DuBrin (1989) defined crisis as a turning point for better or worse, or a situation that has reached a critical phase. When a company is in a crisis, it requires decisive and bold leadership to identify, isolate and manage the crisis (Topping, 2002). Leadership now requires very different behaviour from the leadership tradition that we were used to. It requires leaders who are able to speak to... ...kills: A leadership wake-up call, Available:, (Accessed: 2004, April 8). Robbins, S.P. (2002), Essential of organizational behavior, 6th ed, Prentice Hall. New Jersey. Sarantos, S.T. (1994), Managing change by creating a synergistic environment, World Wide Web ed, Vol. 7, no. 11, Available:, (Accessed: 2004, April 8). Schein, E.H. (1995), The leader of future, Working Paper 3832, MIT Sloan School of Management, Available:, (Accessed: 2004, April 13). Stoner, J.A.F. and Freeman, R.E. (1989), Management, 4th ed, Prentice Hall, New Delhi. Tichy, N.M. and Cohen, E. (2002), The leadership engine, 2nd ed, HarperCollins Publishers Inc., New York. Topping, P.A. (2002), Managerial leadership, McGraw Hill, New York.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Racial Issues in The Runaway Slave and Life of a Slave Girl Essay

Racial Issues in The Runaway Slave and Life of a Slave Girl If you prick us, do we not bleed? -- Shylock, The Merchant of Venice Like Shylock in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice, the black slave women are dehumanized by the other characters in Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s â€Å"The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim’s Point† and Harriet A. Jacobs’ Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Written by Herself. Sexually harassed by their white masters, these slave women are forbidden to express the human emotion of love. Pressured into a shamed motherhood, they cannot love their children in the same ways that a white mother can. Moreover, slave women are treated like chattels. The black women in Browning and Jacobs’ works are oppressed sexually, forced into unwanted motherhoods, and stripped of their identities. Yet, because they face these cruelties with courage and dignity, these black slaves emerge as heroines of their own fates. According to her white owners, a black woman in bondage not only has no rights to love, but is incapable of loving. In Browning’s â€Å"The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim’s Point†, the black narrator speaks of her love affair with a black man, but she is brief in its description because it is a forbidden act. The narrator remains anonymous throughout Browning’s poem, for to be named is to have power and to have an identity. She sings her lover’s name, showing that enslavement cannot prevent her from loving or from giving a fellow slave an identity. The narrator and her lover meet in secret, but their furtiveness is seen in a positive light since their commitment to love one another is strengthened by their piety: â€Å"We were two to love and two to pray† (86). Although they try to have faith in God, they are alienated... ...ving their children. Furthermore, they are able to find forgiveness in their hearts even though they have been stripped of their humanity. Like the alienated Shylock in Shakespeare’s play, Linda and the narrator in â€Å"The Runaway Slave† will bleed if they are pricked. Indeed, these slave women have bled, both physically and emotionally. These wounds can only heal when they begin to stand up for their rights as human beings, so that eventually they will â€Å"cease to be trampled under foot by [their] oppressors† (Jacobs, 177). WORKS CITED Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. â€Å"The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim’s Point†. 1850. Correspondence Course Notes: ENGL 205*S Selected Women Writers I, Spring-Summer 2003, pp. 51-58. Kingston, ON: Queen’s University, 2003. Jacobs, Harriet A. Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Written by Herself. London: Harvard University Press, 1987. Racial Issues in The Runaway Slave and Life of a Slave Girl Essay Racial Issues in The Runaway Slave and Life of a Slave Girl If you prick us, do we not bleed? -- Shylock, The Merchant of Venice Like Shylock in Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice, the black slave women are dehumanized by the other characters in Elizabeth Barrett Browning’s â€Å"The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim’s Point† and Harriet A. Jacobs’ Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Written by Herself. Sexually harassed by their white masters, these slave women are forbidden to express the human emotion of love. Pressured into a shamed motherhood, they cannot love their children in the same ways that a white mother can. Moreover, slave women are treated like chattels. The black women in Browning and Jacobs’ works are oppressed sexually, forced into unwanted motherhoods, and stripped of their identities. Yet, because they face these cruelties with courage and dignity, these black slaves emerge as heroines of their own fates. According to her white owners, a black woman in bondage not only has no rights to love, but is incapable of loving. In Browning’s â€Å"The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim’s Point†, the black narrator speaks of her love affair with a black man, but she is brief in its description because it is a forbidden act. The narrator remains anonymous throughout Browning’s poem, for to be named is to have power and to have an identity. She sings her lover’s name, showing that enslavement cannot prevent her from loving or from giving a fellow slave an identity. The narrator and her lover meet in secret, but their furtiveness is seen in a positive light since their commitment to love one another is strengthened by their piety: â€Å"We were two to love and two to pray† (86). Although they try to have faith in God, they are alienated... ...ving their children. Furthermore, they are able to find forgiveness in their hearts even though they have been stripped of their humanity. Like the alienated Shylock in Shakespeare’s play, Linda and the narrator in â€Å"The Runaway Slave† will bleed if they are pricked. Indeed, these slave women have bled, both physically and emotionally. These wounds can only heal when they begin to stand up for their rights as human beings, so that eventually they will â€Å"cease to be trampled under foot by [their] oppressors† (Jacobs, 177). WORKS CITED Browning, Elizabeth Barrett. â€Å"The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim’s Point†. 1850. Correspondence Course Notes: ENGL 205*S Selected Women Writers I, Spring-Summer 2003, pp. 51-58. Kingston, ON: Queen’s University, 2003. Jacobs, Harriet A. Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl Written by Herself. London: Harvard University Press, 1987.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The power of social media in political communication

Research Question To determine the impact of social media on the way that political institutions and organizations communicate to the public including the unintended impact of social media on political communication. Research Objective The track the evolution of social media use in political communication both as intended by those disseminating the information and the unintended impact of having such assessable communication methods for the general public. Significance and Context of Research Increasingly in political communication, social media has been used as a primary method of disseminating information, gathering information and testing public opinion. Indeed certain countries continue to use these methods as a primary means of lobbying support. However, not only does it present enormous benefit to political organizations, it also presents a unique opportunity to the public combating abuse of power and an increased awareness and accountability. Some research even goes as far as to suggest that the impact of social media has enhanced the citizen participation in democracy increasing the commitment thereto. In the age of social media as a primary means of communication, the role and impact of this on political communication is boundless and significant. Methodology The primary method of research will be the analysis of different systems of social media usage. There is some literature written on the topic, examining different facets of the social media usage in political communication and this will serve as a useful indicator of the ways that social media is used in political communication. Thereafter, individual case studies on various methods that have been employed to great effect need to be examined. In other words, by examining how different political organizations have used social media to their advantage. The sources of these case studies will be evident in the literature written on the topic. How the organizations use social media and the effect that it has will be the primary focus of the research. The effect of social media usage will include the benefits on participation as well as the disadvantages relating to sensationalism and accuracy. References Clay Shirky (2011) ‘The Political Power of Social Media’ Foreign Affairs, 90(1), p28-41 Erik Qualman (2009) ‘How Social Media Transforms the Way We Live and Do Business’ [online] Available on [Accessed on 7 July 2012] Erik C. Nisbet, Elizabeth Stoycheff, & Katy E. Pearce (2012) ‘Internet Use and Democratic Demands: A Multinational, Multilevel Model of Internet Use and Citizen Attitudes About Democracy’ Journal of Communication, 62, 249–265 Henry Farrell (2011) ‘The Internet’s Consequences for Politics’ [online] Available on [Accessed on 7 July 2012] John C. Bertot, Paul T. Jaeger, Justin M. Grimes (2010) ‘Using ICTs to create a culture of transparency: E-government and social media as openness and anti-corruption tools for societies’ Government Inform ation Quarterly, 27, 264–271 Michael J. Magro, (2012) ‘A Review of Social Media Use in E-Government’ Sci., 2, 148-161 Wenfang Tang and Shanto Iyengar (2011) ‘ The Emerging Media System in China: Implications for Regime Change’ Political Communication, Special Issue [online] Available at [Accessed on 7 July 2012]

Monday, September 16, 2019


In my own words, respecting other people means to be nice to other people even if you don't know them and help them out when they need help. It also means listening to what other people have to say and not speaking over them. Respecting other peoples properties is not touching, breaking or vandalizing other people's belongings. Don't touch or take stuff that isn't yours. 2. Respecting myself means always staying positive and having a positive attitude no matter the situation. It means to always hope for the best. Respecting you resell also includes making a good image for yourself and aging people think about you in a good way. . I respect a man named Cole because he has showed me that helping others and being kind to others is the right way t live life. Helping others is always a good thing to do and by helping others your also helping yourself. 4. It is unacceptable to destroy or take something that doesn't belong to you. The item could mean a lot to the person even if it doesn't they paid for it and you don't have the right to take or damage it. 5. If someone broke something of mine id most likely be really upset and hope that the person who did it could replace it.No one has the eight to make someone feel like that because everyone deserves to be happy and for man kind to continue to exist everyone has to be nice to each other and try our best to help each other out. At first I would not respect the person who did it but everyone deserves a second chance. It would take time but eventually I would start to respect that person again if they showed they deserve to be respected. 6. No not that I can remember. The only time vive felt like a victim is when I was young and got hit in sports but hitting is aloud so can't recall a time where felt like a victim. 7.If I were ever charged again, I old not be offered the diversion program because I already had my second chance. I would have to face the consequences of my crime that committed and deal with the repercuss ions it had on my life. That could include not being aloud to leave the country. It could include having a criminal record for the rest of my life and it would be pretty hard to find a job with a criminal record. It would also be very hard to regain my families trust because after the first time I was arrested it was very hard to earn it back. So if I commit another crime it could mean my parents not trusting me ever again.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Art enhances our understanding of Reality

Whether it is drama, paintings, literature, or music that they encounter people appreciate them as superficial practices extant for pleasure. However, this notion is amiss. The media is a plethora full of various arts serving to represent phenomena that occur in real life. Through their works, artists convey their own nterpretations of the prevailing issues of society.Thus, the audience is provided with a vivid illustration of reality in perspective of an omniscient position. A renowned American novelist from the twentieth century, John Steinbeck pronounced, â€Å"l hate cameras. They are so much sure than I am about everything. † There was a time in history when society ceased to develop, called the Middle Ages. People in this era suffocated in the same, perpetual system of which social classes were unjust. Not only were groups treated differently, but also those mpotent in society had few rights.Thus, in the following period, called the Renaissance, artists strayed from idea lism. Instead, they inclined to daily aspects of life as autonomous humans, hoping to abandon the old ways. One well-known fgure is Leonardo da Vinci, who influenced his contemporaries with his works of humanistic studies. Da Vinci expressed in his arts the will to discover oneself and possibly find his identity as a human being. Just like Da Vinci who spread the knowledge of mankind through his arts, in odays society, many innovative artists create works with certain means to convey the status quo.For example, our world is deteriorating due to mistreatment of nature. The majority of the population waste natural resources, such as metals, trees, and other recyclables as well. Disheartened, a famous hip-hop artist, T. l. , was determined to prove the world's need to save trees and significance of recycling. Nonetheless, â€Å"Paper Trail†, a self-portrait pieced together with paper shreds, was able to successfully demonstrate the gravity of environmental problems to the people , specially his fans. As a result, meaningful works, such as the artwork of T. . ‘s, are able to insinuate the ongoing issues in our society. To this day, practices of art lucidly depict the ‘reality by involving the human senses -Literature for the readers, paintings for the viewers, and music for the listeners.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Development of police -Time line history Essay

The Roman Vigiles are recognized world over as the first police force. Gaius Octavius who was Julius Caesars’ grandnephew created this â€Å"non-military and non-mercenary police† in 27 B.C. (Berg, B.1998) The creation of the force followed the assassination of Julius Caesar and Gaius sought to reform the Roman society as a form of revenge. This was done once Gaius ascended to power to become Augustus Caesar the â€Å"first emperor of Rome.† (Berg, B.1998) However it was not until the 17th century that elements of policing started being practiced in the US after being adopted from the English watch system. This system was to later evolve to the American watch system, which had a form of silent, and unseen policing based on â€Å"hue and cry.† (Berg, B.1998) Among the first parts to adopt this system was the Boston night watch formed in 1631; this system enlisted 6 watchmen, a constable and many volunteers. American policing is normally classified into 3 distinct eras that are discussed below. The political Era (1840-1930) The major characteristic of this era was the close relationship between the police on one hand and politicians on the other. This relationship in most cases was geared towards â€Å"making the politician happy† The police system was very decentralized and its main purpose was to provide basic social services. Inherent in the police system during this era was the endemic corruption.   Sometimes this era is called the â€Å"Spoils Era† which called for large-scale adaptation to the social changes that were taking place in America. This era is named so because as the term puts it â€Å"to the Victor go the spoils† whereby the political class in big cities often controlled their municipal police. During the period of 1835 America was hit by numerous Industrial and race riots, which involved mostly the Native Americans and the immigrant Irish. In response to these riots, the police force was assigned the function of controlling them. However, because the type of system used was variably inadequate and ineffective the answer was found in police officers that would be salaried. (Walker, S.1998) 1845 marked the beginning of a salaried police force in America. This was in New York City where the police were called â€Å"coppers† because of the copper star badges they wore. They worked throughout, day and night mainly to control riots. The â€Å"coppers† were armed with guns and were usually trained to think smarter than their working class counter parts. This system was to soon spread to other states like Boston where detectives and informants were being used and Philadelphia with the characteristic â€Å"mug shots.† The Texas Ranger which was founded in 1845 is mentioned as the first state police organization and it is always well remembered for the atrocities against Mexicans and â€Å"Comanche tribes.† However, the Pennsylvania Constabulary is generally accepted as the first professional state police agency. The constabulary initial functions was to aide mine-owners against strikes in the mines. (Walker, S. 1998) The California Gold Rush of 1848 prompted the formation of Federal police agencies that included the Border Patrol, the IRS, Postal Inspector and the Secret Service. In1855 Allan Pinkerton was a model for federal investigators after founding the Pinkerton’s private security agency. Other agencies that sprouted up during this time were Holmes Burglar Alarm Company and the Brinks and Wells Fargo armored delivery services. By early 20th century the Spoils era was coming to a close, ending in 1900 when the Pendleton Act came into being. This Act was mainly enforced by a civil service system to fight corruption and nepotism. Several innovations were made, and the form of policing shifted from â€Å"brawn to brain†. (Berg, B.1998) During this time professionalism took center stage and led to the formation in 1902 of the International Association of Chiefs of police (IACP). Richard Sylvester became the body’s first president; he was also the Washington D.C.P.D chief and is widely recognized as the â€Å"father of police professionalism.† Many aspects of paramilitary policing were developed during this time. (Walker, Samuel 1977) By 1918, August Vollmer as the chief of the Berkeley P.D became   â€Å"the patriarch of police professionalism†. During his time, for the first time in America advancement in crime labs and finger printing were realized, more and bigger police stations were built accompanied by change of job titles. The professionalism saw the establishment of police unions at the bottom ranks. (Walker, Samuel 1977) In 1915, the Fraternal Order of Police (FOP) was established. The establishment of the Federation Of State County Municipal Employees (AFSCME), and the International Conference Of Police Association (ICPA), the umbrella group of teamsters, followed this. Another aspect of this era was the involvement of citizen groups in the police reforms a notable model was the Chicago Crime Commission. The commission was more of civilian oversights board that sort to bring intellectual ideas about causes of crime. During this era policewomen were given the chance to do real police work, for the first time. Another peculiar development during this era was the Volstead Act on the 18th Amendment or Prohibition in 1919.This was an era characterized by gangsterism of such renowned gangsters like Al Capone and John Dilinger. It was also a time during the Great Depression where there was widespread unemployment and law was unenforceable. Thus the main function of the police during this time was fighting crime because the number of gangsters had increased and they had become more organized. It was this period that is often described as the Prohibition Era when attempts were made to ban alcohol sales and consumption. (Walker, S. 1998) All together there was an escalation of such crimes as kidnapping, daylight bank robberies and drive by shooting. The police were under intense pressure to contain the runaway crime and most time resorted to the use of brute force including the use of dirty tricks. Notable police leaders who emerged during this time were J.Edgar Hoover and Elliot Ness. They often used covert means and latest technology to check on the raising crime. The advent of the two ways radio, the police car and the telephone transformed greatly the policing system to become a more reactive system. (Gaines, L.& Vaughn J. 1999) The Reform Era (1830-1980)   The reform era was ushered in by various transformations that started taking place in the police system in the 1920s led by August Vollmer who was Berkeley, California Police Chief (Carte, G. & E. 1975). During this era new technology started being adopted and greater professionalism enhanced (Walker, Samuel 1977). Such professionalism centralized the command and control of the police operations. Such officers like O.W Wilson who introduced professionalism in Wichita, Kansas and the Chicago police drastically reduced corruption. Here training of the police was greatly emphasized. (Bopp, W 1977) O.W. Wilson introduced various strategies like rotation of officers from one community to another to reduce corruption incidences, strict merit promotion system, and higher salaries to attract professionals and aggressive recruiting drives. (Bopp, W 1977) However, there remained a bad relationship between the police on one hand and the minority communities on the other because of the highly autocratic police leaders. The police during this period despite of the reformations concentrated more on felonies and other serious crimes. (Bopp, W 1977) The 1960s were marked by urban unrests that included movements such as the civil rights, the Vietnam, the student rights and counterculture. There was an escalation of serial and mass murders with an increased number of police killed in the line of duty that averaged 100 annually. The crime rates soared tripling during this period. (Carte, G. & E. 1975). In 1968 the National Advisory Commission on civil disorders blamed the riots on the police and following the abolishment of the death penalty 1967-1977,the police were faced with a heavy task of checking on the rise in crime whilst doing it professionally. In 1965 President Johnson formed the Presidents Commission On Law Enforcement And Administration Of Justice whose reports were influential in providing an overhaul criminal justice system model. It was during this period that the police information system became computerized and more emphasis was placed on empowering the criminal justice system. (Carte, G. & E. 1975). In the 1970s the interest shifted to the Police Community Relations when the reactive policing approach was found to be ineffective. Corruption in the police force was still endemic and various commissions were formed to investigate it. Such commissions were common and were formed by citizens and financed by the private sector or community groups. (Walker, S. 1998) Various programs were started towards enforcing the police community relations and included such programs as open houses and ride a longs, citizen self defense trainings, citizen police academies and â€Å"Coffee Klatches† or community meetings. These outreaches helped the police realize their public safety function, where â€Å"fighting the fear of crime was as important as fighting crime itself† (Gaines, L.& Vaughn J. 1999) The Community Era (1980- Preset) Many law enforcement agencies in the 1990s started adopting strategies of community policing and problem oriented policing. Problem oriented policing that was characterized by a centralized problem pinpointing approach came first. (Gaines, L.& Vaughn J. 1999)   Community policing defined as â€Å"a philosophy based on citizens and police working together in creative ways to help solve contemporary problems related to crime fear disorder and decay†. (Gaines, L.& Vaughn J. 1999) Community policing is characterized by the incorporation of the public in combating crime, where the police are more involved with the community they police, now than ever before. (Gaines, L.& Vaughn J. 1999) It was also during the 1990s that New York Police Department developed an information based crime pattern tracking and mapping system. The system’s purpose was to check the trends and patterns in crime and the accountability of dealing with crime problems is given to the police.

Challenging Reality Essay

Challenging Reality Essay M.C. Escher: Challenging RealityM.C. Escher was a master of perspective. He challenged reality, and his critics minds. His artwork was considered to be highly mathematical, even though Escher never had any formal training in the math or sciences. Yet artists around the still world regard his work as great. Escher was able to manipulate geometry to create illusions that were often used to tell a story. In Day and Night and Ascending and Descending, Escher illustrated daily events and their meaning by using his artistic and mathematical techniques.In Day and Night, one of Eschers most acclaimed pieces, the idea of transformation from basic geometric shapes was used to depict a linking together of two separate events. In the center of the woodcut he began his design with a simple square which transformed into the farmland and geese. From these geese a city, in both the day and the night, emerged. The city in the day was a mirror image of the city at night that suggested the two events w ere inseparable. Day and Night was particularly special because Escher eliminated all negative space. Every inch of the paper was used to illustrate an event, which aided in the idea of day and night being one. Ascending and Descending is another well-known piece by Escher. This architectural drawing illustrated Eschers ability to create realistic designs, or did it? If the viewer took a closer look, he would see that Escher was once again playing with perspective to tell a story symbolically. To every person (monk) walking on the castles roof, there seemed to be an endless amount of stairs. Yet, these stairs were completely useless. These fictitious monks were either perpetually ascending or descending hence the title. This lithograph appeared to show the mundane and useless life that was lead by a monk in this time period. Once again Escher was able to symbolically show the life of a monk through his mathematical techniques. In contrast to both Day and Night and Ascending and Desc ending was a piece titled Grasshopper. This woodcut did not contain a symbolic message or tell a story of the grasshoppers life, but rather was a still life. Here Eschers realistic artistic ability shone. The detail that was carved into the woodcut was intense and very finely created, which proved, if not otherwise seen, that Escher could create extremely detailed and beautiful pieces of art that were completely realistic in form. Eschers use of intricate repeating patterns and mathematically complex structures created wonderful illusions for his viewers. However, he was able to depict realistic events with the same amount of mastery. MC Escher was, and will continue to be through his art, one of the great artists.

Friday, September 13, 2019

How do designers in their work benefit or suffer from 'the network Essay

How do designers in their work benefit or suffer from 'the network society' (Manuel Castells) - Essay Example The internet has in the recent past become the fibre of the modern social life. According to the available statistics, the number of people who uses internet has grown from under 40 million in 1995 to more than 1.5 million in 2009 (Stalder 2006, p.79). Manuel Castells, a senior professor of sociology have been studying the changes that are brought about by modern technology in the society and have developed a theory of â€Å"Network Society†. The theory talks about society which is not controlled by distance and time (Castells 2007, p. 265). A network society is a society whose social structure is composed of networks which are empowered by communication strategies and micro-electronic-based information. According to Castells, network is an inter-connection between different nodes. Despite being a traditional human practice, network has in modern days taken a new form by becoming an informational network which is enhanced by internet. Due to the ever expanding use of technolog y in modern societal operations, designers in different entities have as well benefited from the emergence of network society. Despite the highly hyped benefits of networks societies, some designers have suffered severely from the modern technology. The essay below focuses on how designers in their work benefit or suffer from the network society. Benefits of Network Society to Designers The core aim of contemporary technology is to advance the living status of the general population. The objective of the technology is projected to be achieved by developing mechanisms that can reduce the amount of labour and increased the level of outcome. The emergence of modern technology has a substantial encouraging impact to modern designers. Modern network is extraordinarily flexible and has wide scope compared to traditional networks. The flexibility of a network society is therefore very helpful for designers in facilitating instant and dependable access to relevant social organisations and s tructures (Stalder, 2006, p.79). Networks in modern society are proliferated in all aspects of the social facets including: outperforming cooperates, outcompeting centralised bureaucracies and economy. This has reduced the complications that may be countered by designers in accessing several social and economic entities. Prior to the emergence of internet, designers were faced with intricate barrier in fulfilling their task and in managing their daily functions. This was especially the case in the situation when their operations are huge and more complex to be accomplished by one entity. However, modern development has brought about a network society that fits extensively in designers’ operations and interactions. Secondly, network society has also brought about exceptional combination between task and flexibility which has led to sophisticated form of human action. As a result, designers are at present in a better position to make well coordinated decisions with the inclusio n of all players in the society. The grouping between flexibility and task has as well led to effective execution of horizontal communication which is vital for efficient operation in designer profession. In addition, due to the existence of network society, the boundaries between other type of communication and mass media have in the recent past blurred. As a result, the weakening boundary between mass communication and other forms of communication such as social media and printed media

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Management Development Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Management Development - Coursework Example In this study the Anglo Saxon and the French management development styles are explored to find the difference in their respective styles of management. For this diversity in the management style there are mainly four reasons that influence this cultural difference. Firstly, organizations with different Power distance or hierarchical structures have different power levels and thus creating a structural difference in the organization. Secondly, organizations sometimes have employees who try to avoid uncertain situations and some times have a responsible manager who ambitiously likes to tackle risks. The third factor is Individualism. With high individualism managers are more hard working takes initiatives in different actions. Finally, with high masculinity employees are very stressful and the workplaces are not very employee friendly. Based on these practices within the organization different management styles have evolved in different parts of the world (Vedpuriswar, n.d., p.1). Ang lo Saxon styles of management development The Anglo Saxons are the Germanic tribes in the east and the south of Great Britain. Migrating tribes of the German into the Britain which is now known as northern Germany mainly comprises of three types of people i.e. Angles, Saxons and the Jutes. Anglo-Saxon countries have many similarities between the British and Canadian, US-American and also Australian cultures of business strategies. The main reason behind this similarity is due to the reason of immigration of all these countries are from the same origin Great Britain. Because of this reason the language spoken by these countries are also same to some extent. In Anglo-Saxon culture of business it is mainly done through well connected network of some third party. They feel more comfortable in doing businesses with the people whom they like or they trust very well. The Anglo Saxons are generally more interested in doing business with some long term relationship rather than doing business with quick deal. While doing business they often use humors and understatements to confuse opponents which results in the delay of business. They avoid sensitive topics like religious, poor service and sexuality in their meetings or small discussion. The British culture of business is mainly hierarchical. They have a tendency of giving orders to the people who are under their power and on the other hand talking and discussing topics with the top management. The hierarchy is very strongly maintained within each organization business culture. But they like to work in teams and also they have a strong sense of fair play. With the hierarchical structure of business the employees reach a business decision but the boss or the top management is the final decision approver in this type of business organization. In this business model the functional areas of finance, accountancy and the law department are most valued of all. Thus it results in underrepresentation of technical qualification of people even if they are managers of the firms. In Anglo Saxon business organization status of the R & D departments are very lower. They believe in on the job training system for their organization rather than educational

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Discussion Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 13

Discussion - Essay Example The quality of any research findings depends on the source of information applied and therefore the quality of the source matters (Arlene, 16). Your choice for the second question implies your concern on the quality of research work and the common mistakes that researchers commit. Apart from being credible, sources should also be authentic, reliable, and authoritative. In your comment, you have identified Wikipedia and as some of the invalid research sources. They serve as good examples of sources that lack authority. Probably you could have added the fact that most students are enticed into using these sources in their research papers as opposed to credible source such as books and peer reviewed journals. From your comment, you seem to have the right facts about research and research work. Your comments have probably changed my attitude towards credibility of research and I fully concur with you. It is interesting to note that researchers perform massive work in finding of research information but lack time to research for their sources. They end up getting a lot of information that may be of little use. In your comment, you have highlighted some principles of evaluating the credibility of a source and I recommend them to all existing and potential researchers. In addition, I would suggest that researchers present their research work to relevant authorities for evaluation before releasing the same to the intended audience. A good example is peer reviewed journal articles, which are scrutinized thoroughly for authenticity and

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Answer the question Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Answer the question - Assignment Example The teacher would implement a humanist view to teaching and learning in some ways. First, whenever possible, allow each student to choose the activities to complete. They would also teach their students to set attainable academic goals. Finally, the teacher would allow students to participate in group work. Terms frequently used in education are often difficult to define because there are different types of definitions. Constitutive definitions, such as those used in the dictionary, use alternative words to define a term(Fraenkel & Wallen, 2009). The terms can also be defined by example. An operational definition is the working definition of a term for a specific research undertaking. Usually, to develop a working definition, the researcher will modify scholarly definitions of a term to adapt it to their research setting, or assign a value to the term. The term "excellence" may be defined operationally by quantifying excellence. Suppose a researcher investigates the relationship between class attendance and academic excellence. The researcher may define academic excellence as a mean grade of B and above. By this definition, a student who scores a mean grade of B or above is considered to have achieved academic excellence. Otherwise, the student who scores a grade lower than B is considered having not excelled in their studies. There is some truth in the statement that clarity of definition does not always result in effective communication(Fraenkel & Wallen, 2009). This might be the case for some reasons. First, different cultures attach different meanings to the same term. Therefore, in the event that the person defining the term and its recipient are of different cultures, the term may convey a different to the recipient from the one intended by the sender. Even when used within the same culture, a term may fail to convey the intended meaning because it carries many meanings and the person defining it has

Monday, September 9, 2019

Press Release Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 5

Press Release - Essay Example Recognizing that fans are interested in more than just sports commentary, Fanzplanet (or Terry Davenport) provides an unparalleled forum for fan interaction. While traditional sports news sites only focus on major news elements, this new social network recognizes that the fan experience expands well beyond what happens between the start and end of the game. Within this spectrum of understanding there are a variety of specific elements that are implemented. As noted, the site implements social media and fan interaction as primary modes of operation. Curious about the atmosphere outside the Super Bowl or World Series? Fanzplanet allows fans to post tailgate, at-game, and home videos that record their game experiences. Fans can login and see actual videos of outside game events, then tune in on television and catch the game. There will even be Fan-Buzz cameras that capture exclusive interviews with fans at the game. In addition to video posting this site allows participants to blog and connect as part of a sports community. Traditional sporting news sites have largely operated to disseminate news, with commentary only as a second-thought. This site brings fan commentary and interaction to the foreground, as in-game blogging occurs allowing fans to directly interact and comment with each other on in-game occurrences. Fans can then add each other to communicate and debate over future games. This increased interactivity is not only informative, it allows fans to participate in the game in a way that brings the sports bar experience to their computer console. Ultimately, this site will be an exciting contribution to the sports and social networking landscape. For the casual and passionate fan, this site offers an unparalleled experience for all sporting experiences. Don’t miss out! Fans can also follow updates on twitter at and via their Facebook fans page at Members of Fanzplanet

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Art History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Art History - Essay Example The statue of seated Khafre, was built near the Great Sphinx for the Pharaoh’s valley. During the reign of Khafre Egypt was a peaceful country with no military attacks and full of prosperity. Khafre kept the title â€Å"Son of Re† which was started by his father. Menkaure and Khamerernebty are shown with perfect bosy and faces. Care was taken to show the Queen looked very feminine and the King as masculine. It shows that they represent a class that is prosperous and rich in culture and walth. A group of islands that form a circle in the south of Aegean Sea is called as Cyclades. Cycladic art is considered as prehistoric as no scriptures were found. Most of these are figures of nude females whose arms are folded across the chest. The male cycladical idols are cylindrical in shape. Palace of Knossos (Crete) 1700-14—B.C.E. was the home for the tyrant King Minos. He was the son of Zeus and the mortal woman named Europa. The palace has low cilings, all the columns wer e made of wood, has stone masonry walls. Small chapels were used for worship and religious activities. The palace was not just for royal purposes, evidence shows that they used for administration also. Bull Leaping (Toreador) fresco, from Knossos.was one of the best-known wall paintings of Knossos. The painting depicts a charging bull, two girls and a boy. One girl holds the horns of the bull, the jumps on to the back of the bull and other girl is ready to catch the bull. This bullfight might be a ritual in which the bull were sacrificed.or the fighters or both were sacrificed. 9. It is situated at Akrotiri and one of the best preserved mural paintings. Most of the painting used to depict people but this one was drawn on a landscape. Its full of flowers and colored rocks and tourists title was "the Spring Fresco". 10. The important structures that were reconstructed by the archeologists that form the defensive elements, one used for regal gatherings and the royal reception hall. It is a large set of rooms that's connected to a portico to the open yard and a great hearth at the center and a throne to one side. 11. Lion Gate of Mycenae is a cyclopean masonry that introduces a refine element to the monumental entrance. The structure so made that it keeps enemy soldiers off guard and vulnerable. The bastion is on the hillside, much taller and inaccessible height. Lions at the entrance give a resemblance of guardian that is there to protect. 12. The Greek paintings used to depict humans and animals and lately full Geometric style was developed. The paintings contain different geometric shapes like triangles, circles, square, etc., to depict torsos, long legs and many more. 13. Exekias: Ajax and Achilles playing a dice game, 540-530 B.C.E. was a part of painting known as black figure. Exekias was panel and vase painter and depicts the rivalry between the two Trojan heroes into a board game. His vision of the painting was telling a story where both the warriors were locking horns to fight. 14. Euphronios: Herakles Wrestling Antaios, 510 B.C.E., natural red from the pottery was used to paint.