Saturday, August 1, 2020

Quotes From Psychologist Kurt Lewin

Quotes From Psychologist Kurt Lewin History and Biographies Print Quotes From Psychologist Kurt Lewin Some of Psychologist Kurt Lewins Best Sayings By Kendra Cherry facebook twitter Kendra Cherry, MS, is an author, educational consultant, and speaker focused on helping students learn about psychology. Learn about our editorial policy Kendra Cherry Updated on May 05, 2018 Kurt Lewin - Biography. Credit: / Google Images More in Psychology History and Biographies Psychotherapy Basics Student Resources Theories Phobias Emotions Sleep and Dreaming Kurt Lewin (1890-1947) is considered the father of modern social psychology. His work was influenced by Gestalt psychology and stressed the importance of both personal characteristics and the environment in causing behavior. Lewin was also a prolific writer, publishing more than 80 articles and eight books on psychology topics. Below are just a few selected Kurt Lewin quotations. Selected Kurt Lewin Quotes There is nothing so practical as a good theory.If you want truly to understand something, try to change it.Experience alone does not create knowledge.The chief methodological approach would be that of developing actual group experiments of change, to be carried on in the laboratory or in the field.Social action, just like physical action, is steered by perception.The American cultural ideal of the self-made man, of everyone standing on his own feet, is as tragic a picture as the initiativeâ€"destroying dependence on a benevolent despot. We all need each other. This type of interdependence is the greatest challenge to the maturity of individual and group functioning.Our behavior is purposeful; we live in a psychological reality or living space that includes not only those parts of our physical and social environment to us but also imagined states that do not currently exist.A successful individual typically sets his next goal somewhat but not too much above his last achievement. In th is way, he steadily raises his level of aspiration.Learning is more effective when it is an active rather than a passive process.General validity of the law and concreteness of the individual case are not antitheses...reference to the totality of the concrete whole situation must take the place of reference to the largest possible historical collection of frequent repetitions.â€" From A Dynamic Theory of Personality, 1935This means methodologically that the importance of a case, and its validity as proof, cannot be evaluated by the frequency of its occurrence. Finally, it means for psychology, as it did for physics, a transition from an abstract classificatory procedure to an essentially concrete constructive method.â€" From A Dynamic Theory of Personality, 1935.Intentional action is not the prototype of will-action. It occurs in all forms of transition, from controlled action to uncontrolled, drive-like, field-action. ...Accordingly, the majority of controlled (will) actions are no t preceded by an act of intending. Intentional actions are relatively rare. They are prepared actions, where the act of intending, which is as a rule controlled, prepares an uncontrolled field-action. â€" From The Complete Social Scientist: A Kurt Lewin ReaderFortunately I experienced Max Wertheimers teaching in Berlin and collaborated for over a decade with Wolfgang Köhler. I need not emphasize my debts to these outstanding personalities. The fundamental ideas of Gestalt theory are the foundation of all our investigations in the field of the will, of affection, and of the personality.â€" From A Dynamic Theory of Personality, 1935It has been frequently misunderstood and interpreted to mean that field theorists are not interested in historical problems or in the effect of previous experience. Nothing can be more mistaken. In fact, field theorists are most interested in development and historical problems and have certainly done their share to enlarge the temporal scope of the psycho logical experiment from that of the classic reaction time experiment, which lasts only a few seconds, to experimental situations, which contain a systematically created history throughout hours or weeks.â€" From Field Theory in Social Science, 1951

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